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Alex's revenge plan against Danny enacted after the ball. She was torn against publicly humiliating him and risking detention and privately hurting him and risking Hermione's wrath. Eventually she decided on public humiliation. Enlisting Peeves and Pansy, as well as preparing her Super Sticky Potion concoction, she waited for her plan to slip into motion.

There was one thing she knew he cared about, aside from the potions competition and not even she was cruel enough to mess that up for him this year. The only other thing he seemed to love was his hair. So, after the ball let out, she'd given Peeves the potion and let him dump it onto Danny. And only Danny. Not his date- Alex was clear about that. Pansy, being the expert in beauty products and a concerned Slytherin would immediately see and offer up her help. Alex wished she could see it, but she had to make sure she had an alibi far away. She struck up conversation with Professor Babbling in the hall, long after the party died and most students, including Danny, had left.

She'd coached Pansy through with what to say. The sticky potion had to be cut off as soon as possible unless he wanted it to spread . The end result would be the same, with a haircut. The sooner he cut off the damaged ends, the more hair he'd be able to salvage. And luckily, Pansy was so very good at cutting hair. She cut her brother's all the time. Danny bought it hook, line and sinker.

The look on his face in the great hall was almost worth the wait. Instead of the long and silky hair he prided himself on, he'd had to walk in with short spiky hair. It was a delicious revenge. He looked murderous.
"If that's what you do to a guy who dumped paint on you, I don't want to know what you're going to do to Cho for trying to hex you." Cedric said quietly, sliding into the seat next to her.

"One, I didn't do anything to him. He must have felt like a change. And two, I told Dumbledore about Chang, so she's his problem." Alex began cutting up her sausages.

"Well, Dumbledore wants to see you." He relayed. Alex frowned.

"He does?"

"Yep, after breakfast."

"Maybe it's about Chang." Alex said, and began eating her breakfast. Cedric didn't look very convinced but let the subject go.

Alex reached Dumbledore's office and he invited her to take a seat.
"I assume you know why you're here?"

"Does it have to do with Chang?" She crossed her arms defiantly.

"Not quite."

"Then I have no idea."

"What happened with Mr Baker yesterday?"

"I don't know." She feigned innocence. "He cut his hair?"

"I've worked at this school for a very long time, Miss Weasley. I've seen Peeves prank all sorts of students, and he never seems to have a regard for bystanders. And yet, somehow, only Mr Baker was Peeves's target last night. Not his friends nor any of the students around."

"I don't know what to say, Professor. I was at the dance all night. By the time Cedric and I left, a lot of the students were gone. We walked to the dorms and parted at our rooms. I spent half the night chatting with my friends. I barely remember even seeing Danny at the party. Besides, we might not get along but we've avoided each other for months. Why would I suddenly decide to- what even happened? Peeves cut off his hair? I had no part in that."

"And you can prove it?"

"Why do I need to?"

"Mr Baker kindly gave in a sample of his destroyed hair. If we test the potion, are you sure we can't link it back to you?"

"Test it how?" Dumbledore raised a brow and she knew she was done for. "It's not like it's permanent. Five drops of hair growth potion and he'll be back to normal. He deserved it. It took hours to get all the paint he dumped on me out of my hair."

"I have to ask, have you got anything planned for Miss Chang?"

"No!" She said. "If I were to seek vengeance on her attempt to hex me, I'm probably going to end up doing actual harm. I'm not going to hurt anyone. That's what he made me do. I wouldn't."

"Of course."

"His hair will grow back. It's not really such a big deal." Alex said.

"Unfortunately, Miss Weasley, pranks such as these are still against the rules. You'll be taking detention with professor Snape for a month."

"No, I can't!" She said. "I can't go to detention."

"Detention in general or detention with your uncle?"

"In general. Mari's really close to giving birth and I need to be there for her."

"Mari?" He repeated.

"She's one of the unicorns out in the forest. She's ready to give birth, I think, in the next week. Sometimes things go wrong, so I have to be there to make sure she's okay."

"And you've done that before?"

"Once. Kichiro almost died when he was born. Please, sir. I can't have detentions for a month."

"I don't know if you've heard, but Professor Grubbly Plank will be substituting for Hagrid for the next week. She wants to introduce unicorns to the fourth year students. If you manage to bring some along for her demonstrations, we'll waive this incident." Alex frowned.

"But the unicorns don't like a lot of people. They get nervous around large groups of humans."

"Just a few, Miss Weasley. I'll excuse you from classes during the lessons and you can assist Professor Grubbly Plank in her demonstrations, being there the whole time. Unless you'd prefer the detentions." She scowled.

"Fine. I'll try to bring along Freya, Milo and Mars. But I'm not leading anyone into their home."

"That's okay."

"What's Cho Chang's punishment?" Alex asked. "She tried the get sick jinx on me. That's a lot more serious than a stupid prank."

"I will deal with it." He said. Alex was suspicious but nodded and left.

Alexandra Weasley: Book 4Where stories live. Discover now