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Alex had to admit the potions kit Blaise and Draco got for her was pretty cool. She couldn't wait to start planting some of her new seeds and harvest ingredients of her own. Making sure they weren't ruined by the boys was her only concern. With her luck, Ron would trample all over them.

"Alex!" The girl turned to see her sister joggong to catch up to her.

"Hey, Gin. How're you doing?"

"I'm okay, but I need your help." Alex looked concerned. "Potions essay. Analysing the ingredients for the confusion concoction. I don't really understand."

"Yeah, of course. Let's go to the library." Ginny grinned and followed Alex up. They sat down at a table in the back and Alex began explaining the ingredients. "The lotus flower is a main part of the potion. It reacts with the scurvy grass and is what causes the confusion. Without the lotus, the scurvy grass dominates the ingredients and you pretty much have a strong laxative."

"Ew." Ginny grimaced.

"Exactly. Lovage helps mask the taste of the potion and also aids in the inflammation of the brain. The potion could work without it, but it wouldn't be as potent."

"Wait, let me write all this down."

"Okay, I'm going to get a book that'll give you a more in depth outlook on confusion concoction." Alex said and left her sister to her notes. Mapping her path, she set out to the herbology section. She grabbed the book on befuddling plants and discombobulating herbs.

On her way to visit the unicorns, Alex's ears caught onto unfamiliar sound. She strayed from her path to investigate and heard Amélie.
"You got us lost, Fleur!" She said in French.

"We're not lost. It's that way."

"Just stop before we get even more lost."

"Why are you so angry? All I said is perhaps you should account for the possibility that your friend isn't who you think?"

"I've known Alex for over a year. You've known Cho for a few months. I think I know my friend better than you know yours." Alex got closer to the duo and figured it might be time to announce her presence.

"Hello?" She called. "Anyone there?"

"Here!" Came a very relieved answer and Alex reached them.

"What are you guys doing so far into the woods?" She asked.

"We came out for a walk and got lost." Fleur replied and narrowed her eyes suspiciously. "What are you doing here?"

"I was going to go see my brother. He's one of the dragon tamers from the first task. I can show you the way out, if you'd like."

"Yes, please." Amélie said, treading over.

"This way." Alex pointed out. She led the cousins in silence, before it got unbearable. "The woods can be very confusing if you're not used to it."

"And you're used to it?"

"Well, I like to come out a lot. It's peaceful and beautiful."

"It's a bit creepy." Amélie said.

"Some parts are. You don't want to wander into the acromantula's lair." Amélie frowned in confusion. "Um, huge spiders that like to eat people with venemous teeth. L'araignée géante, I think you call it."

"You have those?" Amélie asked and Alex nodded.

"My brother Ron and Harry visited the lair once, being the idiots that they are, and almost died." She shook her head.

"Tu parle Français?" [You speak French?] Fleur asked.

"Oui." [Yes.]

"And Japanese and Spanish, and you're learning Bulgarian, right?" Amélie said and Alex nodded.

"Where did you learn Japanese?" Fleur asked.

"Hermione and I taught ourselves. I went to Mahoutokoro for a couple of semesters in my second year."


"Exchange program. Last year a student from Mahoutokoro came to Hogwarts."

"I didn't know Hogwarts had an exchange program. Is that how you met headmistress Kurata?" Amélie asked.

"Yeah, I stayed with her and her family when I was in Japan. Mahoutokoro's not a boarding school, you see."

"So that's how you got her to be your reference." Amélie said.

"I didn't know, at first. Cedric handled the application and surprised me with it." Alex smiled. "Just brought me to the entry competition and had everything all sorted." Alex missed the glance Amélie shot Fleur behind her back.

"So you and Cedric- how long have you been together?"

"A year and change, I guess, but we'd been dancing around each other for a long time before that." Alex stopped. "We're here. Your carriages are right over there."

"Thanks, Alex." Amélie smiled sweetly, before walking off with her cousin and Alex headed back into the woods. "Told you."

"Doesn't prove anything."

"You just don't want to admit your friend's on the wrong side of this. Did you know she tried to hex Alex?"

"You have one side of the story."

"So find out the other." She challenged. "But, just so you know, Alex was the one who gave me the tip about the dragon and the egg knowing that I'd tell you. You owe her."

A/N - yeah, so Fleur met Cho first and sat with her so like she's more inclined to her. Total mistake, obviously, but meh. Alex doesn't care. She knows who her friends are and she knows who isn't. Anyways, hope you all enjoy xox 💜

Alexandra Weasley: Book 4Where stories live. Discover now