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Alex found the perfect book in the room of requirement. Even better, it was one of the ones she could take out of the room. She translated a page of hieroglyphic writing, definitely making some mistakes. She wasn't quite as well read with Egyptian hieroglyphics as she was with the runes Babbling taught as part of their curriculum. She tucked her translations into her book and made her way to Professor Babbling's office. She knocked on the door. Babbling smiled at her, beckoning her in.
"Miss Weasley, what can I do for you?"

"I have this book written in hieroglyphs. I tried to translate it. After last year, I got really interested so I've been reading up quite a bit. I'm not quite sure if I did it all correctly, though, so I was wondering if you'd be willing to look over it?"

"Yes, yes. Of course." Alex handed her the book, opened to the page she'd translated with the parchment next to it. Professor Babbling hmm'd and ahh'd every few seconds. "Interesting, where did you say you got this?"

"It was an early birthday gift from my friend Emiko."

"Right, the exchange student. Well, it all looks great, except over here..." and so Babbling pointed out some mistakes before beaming up at Alex. "It's really excellent work, Alex. I admire your work ethic too. Thirty points to Hufflepuff."

"I just find translating ancient runes incredibly fascinating."

"You join the sixth years for arithmancy, correct?" Alex nodded. "Your work here is definitely beyond OWL levels. How would you like to be bumped up a couple years for my class too? You could take your OWLs at the end of the year, but you'd be studying NEWT courses rather than fourth year ancient runes."

"That would be great." She nodded. "I'd like that."

"Excellent. I'll speak to Headmaster Dumbledore about adjusting your timetable. And if you wouldn't mind, may I borrow your book once you've read it?"

"Sure, I'll be done tomorrow." Babbling looked excited.

Alex had five days to go and almost a third of her target points down. Now she had to go to Snape and see what she could wrangle out of him.

His door was open, though he was nowhere in sight. Alex walked in and sat on the chair. He was always telling her off for lurking when his door was open.
"Hello?" She called but he didn't answer. She turned to leave and found a balled up parchment on the ground. Unfolding it, she read through what was obviously a letter. She shoved it into her pocket, angrily, and left.

"How's your mission?" Charlie asked at lunch and Alex shrugged.

"It's off."

"What? Why?" Megan asked. "I was rooting for you."

"It just is." She slammed her fork down and stormed out.

"Great, she's in a mood." Megan rolled her eyes. She caught Hermione's eye and gestured to the door. Nodding, the Gryffindor stood and followed after her.

Hermione caught up to Alex near the forest.
"Alex!" She called. "Wait up." Alex glanced back and slowed down. "What's wrong?"

"Why would anything be wrong? Can't you tell everything's fine? Just hunky-dory."

"No, not really."

"Well it is. So you can go back to lunch or whatever."

"It's me, okay. You can tell me, whatever it is. You know you can." Alex stopped and kicked a tree in frustration.

"Adults suck. All of them. It's like reaching a certain age means that they have to screw up everything. And it's my fault. I don't know why I ever trusted him. I can't believe it. Argh!" She kicked the tree again.

"What happened?"

"I can't tell you this, Hermione. I can't. So please, just leave me alone."

"Don't tell me, then. But it doesn't mean I have to leave. You've always got me." Alex turned away from the tree, launching herself at Hermione and hugging her. Hermione felt her tears through her robes and soothingly rubbed Alex's back.

Alex went to Dumbledore's office aftereaving Hermione.
"Miss Weasley, is everything okay?"

"I was wondering if I could join the rest of my year for defense rather than having classes with Professor Snape."

"I thought you wanted the private class."

"I did."

"What does Professor Snape think?"

"Can I or is it too late?" She avoided the question.

"Of course you can, though I trust Severus knows?" She shrugged. "Talk to him, and I'll make the necessary arrangements."

"Professor Babbling also offered to boost me up a couple grades for ancient runes." She said. "Heads up in case you need to know for my timetable."

Instead of going to see Snape and talking to him and telling him, Alex decided to avoid her feelings and go to Kichiro. He'd never judge her or hate her.

She sat on her log, stroking his coat softly as he laid his head on her lap.
"I can always trust you, right?" She said. "You'll never betray me." He whined in agreement. "Yeah, exactly. Me and you till the end."

"I thought I'd find you out here." Cedric said. He was holding two plates in his hand. "You're missing dinner."

"Must've lost track of time." She said and he sat next to her.

"You're not supposed to skip dinner anymore, remember."

"I didn't mean to. I just forgot." She took a plate from Cedric.

"You alright?"

"Not really." She said. "But I don't wanna talk about it."

"Okay." They sat in silence, eating their dinners.

A/N- uh oh. Alex is on the warpath. Sucks to be Snape right now.

Alexandra Weasley: Book 4Where stories live. Discover now