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After the game (Ireland won, though Bulgaria caught the snitch), Alex took Cedric's hand and dragged him away from the pitch looking for somewhere secluded. She came across a forest and ducked into it.

"I was going to tell you that, you know." She accused, once she was sure they were alone. "I was going to tell you today that I loved you."

"Sorry?" He looked puzzled.

"You're an idiot." She laughed. "You're a total idiot."

"I mean, I'm really unsure what's going on right now."

"I love you too." She said, furling his scarf around her hands and giving him a kiss. He kissed her back, letting his arms drift around her waist.

Alex was using her light stone to continue reading in the dark when Cedric called from outside her part of the tent.
"Come in." She told him and he parted the fabric and walked in.

"Hey." He said. "Sorry, dad snores. Mind if I stay with you for a bit?"

"Sure." She smiled. "I'm just reading some more."

"Haven't you finished it yet or are you reading it for the third time?"

"Fifth." She corrected. "Saphira's an earth dragon, and an old one. I'm trying to see if there's anything about a lifespan."

"Does your brother know anything?"

"Earth dragons died out a hundreds of years ago. It's hard to separate lore from fact. Some say her lifespan is connected to her rider's, others say it's connected to her power- and if that's the case she can't possibly have long left. The chain siphoned a lot of her magic."

"With you looking out for her, she can't possibly not be okay."

"That's a nice sentiment." She said. Cedric looked at the other book she was looking at.


"First year." She started. "I checked out a book from the library that was written by Ziegla Hammer. She's- she was, a student of Rowena Ravenclaw and proved a lot of theories that have shaped the wizarding world as we know it. She also wrote a book on unicorns and was the primary authority on them. When I opened it, her essence or something transferred all of it into my head. I write down some of the stuff sometimes for when I need visual references. According to Hammer, Kichiro should be losing his horn this summer and regrowing it by mid-September. By the time he's two, to two years and three months, his horn should be fully reformed, but it can be a painful process. I'm trying to see if there's anything I can do to help."

"Anything I can do to help?"

"Unless you wanna help me read through musty old books-" he pulled a face. "It's fine."

"No no, come on. Bring on the musty old books." He said. She reached out and grabbed her bag pulling out her copy of '1001 healing herbs for magical animals'.

"Are you sure?" She asked and he nodded, taking the book from her hands and settling himself on the floor. He smiled.

"Let's do this." They didn't get a chance to start, because they heard screams. They both jumped up, wand in hand and made their way out to the front of the tent. They peeked out and saw a tent on fire and some people with hoods and masks casting spells.

"Death eaters." She said. "Your dad."

"I got him. Don't go out." He said and rushed back in yelling for his father all the while. She quickly went into her room to collect her books and shove them into her bag, before going back to the front of the tent. Amos rushed over and took a look.

"Come on." He said, leading the teens out to safety. They encountered a death eater and Amos cast a protection spell and disarmed him. Seeing someone get cornered by another death eater, he turned to the children. "Go! Find Xenophilius or another adult." He leapt into the fray and Cedric grabbed Alex's hand and dragged her away. Casting a few spells here and there to keep there path clear, they eventually caught sight of a crowd of people leading innocents to safety.

"Over there!" Cedric pointed out a familiar looking man. Luna's dad, Alex realised, and they attempted to make their way there. Shouldering past people, dodging curses and hexes, Alex lost hold of Cedric and sight of the camp they were supposed to join. She looked around and continued running, ending up in the forest.

"Cedric?" She called. "Cedric!"

"How many times are you going to learn however far you run, I'll catch you?" Alex whipped around at the voice only to see Mr Griffiths behind her. She reached for her wand but he tutted, stopping her. "You don't want to do that."

"I'm not going with you." She said. "You can't make me."

"Can't I? Your grandfather misses you." She scoffed.

"Please. He can't use me anymore. I'm totally human now- cured, so I don't have to do what he wants." She jutted out her chin defiantly. He looked surprised.

"He'll be pleased."

"I don't care."

"Stupefy!" Alex saw Cedric behind him casting the stunning spell at Griffiths. The man froze and Cedric moved to her, cupping her face. "Are you okay?"

"Now that you're here. Let's go." She said and they ran away from the stunned man.

Alex and Cedric stumbled around until they found Luna and her dad, joining them. They waited for Amos there.
"You sure you're okay?" Cedric asked once they got a moment alone.

"I am, thanks to you."

"You'd have been fine. He can't hurt you." She smiled.

"Yeah, you're right. Still, you kind of saved me. How can I ever repay you?" He grinned back as he got it.

"I think it's worth at least a kiss." She stepped upon her toes and kissed his cheek.

"Like that?" She asked.

"Not quite what I had in mind." She nodded and kissed the tip of his nose.

"Is that okay?"

"What if I show you?" He said, and tucked her hair behind her ears, keeping his hands on the sides of her face.

"Alex!" They jumped apart at her father's voice. She looked around and saw her father searching for her. He caught sight of her and rushed over to them, grabbing his daughter tightly and giving her a hug. Alex squeezed Cedric's hand until Arthur let go. "I'm so glad you're alright. You are alright, aren't you?"

"There was a man here I knew. Cedric stunned him."

"Thank you." Arthur put his hand on Cedric's shoulder, gratitude evident in his eyes. Arthur pulled his daughter in for a second hug.

"Wait- where's everyone else?"

"They're safe. They were- it's a long story but your brothers are with them now. They're fine."

"I'm okay too, unless you think I took part in frightening everyone away." Alex added snidely.

"Of course not." Her father said. "Never crossed my mind." She shrugged, ducking out of his hold.

A/N- clearly she's still bitter that he believed she gave Harry real poison, oop-

Alexandra Weasley: Book 4Where stories live. Discover now