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Snape arrived ten minutes into the second period. She took it upon herself to continue teaching the first years. They were adorable.
Her distant cousin Mafalda was in her class and upon seeing her, Alex felt guilty for not realising she'd started Hogwarts. They'd only met a handful of times, the last of which Mafalda couldn't have been older than 5. Though Mafalda could be quite spoilt and bratty, she was also smart and had a drive to prove herself. Sort of like Percy. It made Alex smile.

Eventually though, Snape returned. She grinned innocently.
"Enjoying yourself?" He asked and she nodded.

"Of course. I'm in a position of power. I'm an authority figure. I can give detention and take points and put people on the naughty list." She pointed at Nott's name under the sad face on the blackboard.

"Only one of those things is correct." He said. "You cannot give detention nor can you take points."

"Well, Nott's still on the naughty list. He refused to finish his potion after you left."

"Any explosions?"

"Thwarted." She said. "Close, but thwarted. Potions are in their holders, properly labelled. And the first years have been doing some silent reading."

"Then they should be ready for a pop quiz." He turned to the class. He picked up a stack of papers and began passing them out. "Are you staying or leaving?"

"Um, I should go." She said.

"Come see me later." He said and she grimaced. It wasn't particularly a conversation she was looking forward to.

"I might be busy with homework and stuff." She said and he glared. She deflated, he was definitely going to kill her. "I'll make time."

She decided to spend a short time alone to think of some things. She wondered if Morgana had ever questioned Voldemort, if there were any days where she'd disagreed with him. She wondered if Morgana had ever been someone Alex could relate to, or if she'd always been cold and unfeeling. If she'd been the girl version of Nott, totally evil and unrelatable.

Without realising it, Alex had approached the vanishing room, the door appearing without her having walked by three times. Curious, she walked inside.

The moment Alex sat down on the chair provided, an image appeared before her. Morgana.

"What-?" She stood up and walked over. She reached out to touch her only for her hand to pass through. She pulled her hand back as though she'd been burnt and moved backwards.

"It's not funny, Dro!" The hologram huffed and it was then that Alex noticed the other image in the room. Andromeda, she assumed.

"It's a little funny."

"Your sister's obsession over my father is mad. Totally weird."

"You're not the one who has to live with her. Bella can go on for days about him."

"She asked me if I'd mind her being my stepmother!" Morgana said aghast.

"I'd be your aunt."

"You are not going to be my aunt." Andromeda grinned in reply.

"Relax, your father doesn't even think of her in that way. And Bella fancies him because he's dark, powerful and of course it doesn't hurt that he's handsome." Morgana retched, making her friend laugh.

Alexandra Weasley: Book 4Where stories live. Discover now