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Alex was left with a sort of empty feeling after Saphira left. If this is how it felt to part from the dragon, she couldn't imagine what leaving Hogwarts without Kichiro would be like. The headmaster tried to offer her liquorice but she declined, choosing to stay outside. Eventually Snape left too, leaving her alone with Danny.
"Can we keep Saphira a secret?" She asked. "I know we don't like each other and I have no reason to ask you a favour, but I don't want anyone to know."

"Why not?" Alex shrugged.

"Telling people would only boost my reputation." She said. "This way you're not actually helping me."

"Bow out of the contest, and I'll keep it a secret." Alex scoffed.

"That's never going to happen." She said. "And I'm not going to owe you anything. Either keep it to yourself or don't. Just know, I technically have a kickass telepathic dragon and no matter how you spin the story, it would not hurt me at all. Or you could do us both a favour and keep it quiet." She smiled politely before storming off into the forbidden forest. She knew he wasn't following and headed to see Kichiro.

The contest winners were announced immediately after the final round. They were each made to brew a revival potion, an explosion-potion and a quick-sick potion. Alex came in first, Amélie from Beauxbatons came in second and Danny third. Artemii from Koldovstoretz didn't make into the finals last time so it was just between the three of them.

Her parents showed up for the competition and peppered her with kisses when she came in first. It was mortifying and embarrassing especially with Snape there, so she ducked her head and pretended it was no big deal.
"Oh, congratulations dear. We're so proud of you." Her mother said. Alex shrugged.

"Yeah, okay." She saw Danny leave with his mother, glaring harshly at her and turned away.

"This is from Mai." Snape handed her a small box. She'd gravitated away from her parents to talk to Snape.

"Who?" She frowned.

"Headmistress Kurata. She was your other sponsor."

"I mean, I knew that. I didn't know her first name." He stared expressionlessly at her, and she took the box. "So what's this for?"

"You won the contest, and as your sponsors, it's tradition that we present you with a gift."

"So I should expect something from you too?"

"It's from us both." Alex raised a brow.

"Can't believe Emiko was right," she muttered.

"Right about what?"

"Is your patronus going to change now?" She asked innocently. "Match with Mai's?"

"That's enough of you. Go to your parents and I will see you Friday." She pulled a face. "You agreed- three sessions."

"I know. Doesn't mean that I have to like it. Tell Mai I said thank you." She said, emphasising the name, laughing at his death stare.

She set the box aside in her room when she got back, before going to check on Ginny.
"Hi." She nudged Ginny to make space for her on the bed. "Budge up."

"Did you have to stay a little longer at Hogwarts?" She frowned and Alex glanced up at the door before turning to her sister.

"Promise this stays between you and I?" Ginny nodded. "I found a dragon in the forest. I had to stay behind so that I could get her to go with Charlie to the reserve."

"That's amazing. A real life dragon?"

"Yeah. She was chained in the forest, so I had to send her off with Charlie."

"Unicorns, dragons. You lead an exciting life." Ginny teased and Alex laughed.

"Blame the school. If Hogwarts didn't have so many magical creatures, I wouldn't be stumbling across one every year." She answered. "Remind me to introduce you to Kichiro in September."

"You mean that?"

"As long as you never take the boys there, then absolutely. Kichiro likes the attention. Venus can be more cautious, but she'll come around too."

"Yes, absolutely." She agreed.

"How are you?" Alex asked. "You alright? Like, for real?"

"Yeah, I'm doing okay. I think seeing the diary helped." Ginny said. "I'm fine."

"Good. And you know, if you're not..."

"I know." Ginny said.

"Good." Alex stood up and left the room.

Alex went back to her room and picked up her mirror to talk to Hermione.
"Hey, what's the verdict? Did you win? I think you won. Of course you won." Hermione said.

"It would be really awkward right now if I hadn't."

"But I knew you would."

"Technically you couldn't have really known with any certainty."

"But you did."

"But I did."

"I'm so proud of you." Hermione grinned.

"Wait, wouldn't you be proud of me if I lost anyway."

"No, I would have cut ties with you immediately." Alex laughed.

"Who'd have thought I'd be betrayed by my oldest friend. Cedric said he'd be proud no matter what."

"Cedric is your boyfriend and obligated to feel that way."

"And as my best friend you are not?"


"Speaking of Cedric, he's coming over for dinner with his parents next week."

"Oh, that should be fun. Ron, the twins, your parents."

"Don't remind me."

"You'll have to tell me all about it."

"It's not going to be a disaster." Alex said. "It's not!"

"That's the spirit." Alex glared.

Alexandra Weasley: Book 4Where stories live. Discover now