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Alex spent the Hogsmeade trip with Cedric on Valentine's Day. They went to an ice rink that had recently opened up and then found their way to Madam Puddifoot's for hot chocolate to warm themselves up. They headed back to Hogwarts in the evening and had dinner out with the unicorns. It was a rather sweet day.

Seven days till the second tournament and Alex and Cedric were no closer to figuring out what the clue meant.
"And while you're searching, ponder this. We've taken what you sorely miss." He said aloud. "I'm not missing anything."

"Maybe because you're too busy making out with your girlfriend to care about anything else." Maxine remarked, sitting on an armchair near the couple who were curled up with each other on the couch. Cedric rolled his eyes as Alex flipped her off.

"What if they haven't taken whatever it is yet?" Ernie said. Everyone turned to look at him. "Or not. Just a suggestion."

"No, that makes sense, actually. If it's something you'll sorely miss then why would it take you months to realise? And why an hour to search?"

"See! I have good ideas sometimes." Ernie shrugged.

"So what would you miss the most if it were lost to you?" Alex asked.

"You." He replied and there was a collective groan as Alex leaned to kiss him.

"Oi, take that elsewhere!" There was a yell and they parted, giggling.

"Alright. It's got to be something that can't withstand being submerged under water for long. They give you an hour, in case you can't find it, so it's probably something that can hold out underwater longer than that, but probably not too much longer? Because of the timing, they'll probably take it on the day so we have no way of knowing until then."

"Okay, so how do we prepare?"

"We figure it out beforehand. It's something you'll miss, so you'll have to notice it's gone before the task. I'd say your wand if you weren't supposed to keep it with you during the task."

"Alright, Diggory. Walk us through your day. What do you do when you get up?" Maxine said.

"Wake up, brush my teeth. Alex is usually out here, so I'll say hi. Maybe do some last minute looking over my homework. Or if I've got nothing, I'll take my broom out for a couple laps around the pitch."

"Is there anyway they'd take your broom?"

"No." Alex shook her head. "The charms and spells that go into making a broom would be harmed by the water. Even if there's a protection spell. There's a reason Hogwarts is surrounded by water. It's what makes apparition onto the grounds from anywhere on the other side of the lake impossible. Water dampens magic, and the teachers wouldn't damage his property like that."

"Okay seriously why is it when I read a book, I never get anything that fascinating or important." He said.

"Well that's why you have me. I filter out the boring from the fascinating."

"Oh my god."

"Anyways, we've established it's not your broom. What do you do after you go flying?"

"Breakfast. Class."

"Except, there's no class. You've got the second tournament."

"I'll probably ditch breakfast since I have to swim right after."

"How are you going to stay underwater for an hour?" Alex and Cedric looked at each other.

"We've got ideas." He eventually said.

The evening before the second task, Alex and Cedric were out in the glade in the forest. Cedric was swimming laps in the large pool under the waterfall, as Alex had him do for at least an hour the entire week. They had a test run with the potion and aside from the disconcerting feeling that came with being dry underwater, Cedric said he was fine. She'd made half a dozen doses of the potion. Two they used together to swim to the bottom of the pool and just sit for an hour and a half to make sure the potion would hold up, and two Cedric used alone to make sure he could get used to using the potion. The last two they were saving for the tournament. One would be a backup.

"You should get in here!" He called. "I think I see Taylor."

"I don't have a towel and I can't just dry myself off with a spell like you." She muttered. "Give Taylor my greetings."

"False alarm!" He called back a minute later. She laughed.

The morning of the second task, Alex was summoned to Dumbledore's office before Cedric had even woken up. She figured it must be about Cho or something so she headed up hoping to be back before he woke up.

"H?" Alex frowned and Hermione looked up.

"You got called too?" Alex nodded.

"Ron too." Hermione said and Alex saw her brother drag himself around a corner. Alex walked over to him.

"There's a spider on your arm." She said, and he jumped up shaking his arm rapidly. She walked back to Hermione. "That's how you wake him up. Never say on his head though. He'll just think the twins are setting him up on a joke and ignore it."

"Nice tip." Hermione grinned as Ron stopped shaking. He glared at his sister.

"Did you have to do that?"

"Liven up, we've gotta go see Dumbledore." She said and led them to up to the office. Expecting them, the gargoyle let them through, raising them up.

Dumbledore wasn't alone in the office. Madam Maxine was there with a little girl.
"Welcome, Miss Granger, Mr and Miss Weasley." He greeted, "please come in. You know Madam Maxine, of course. This is Gabrielle Delacour."

"Fleur's sister, right?" Alex asked. The little girl nodded. Alex looked around.

"And while you're searching, ponder this- we've taken what you sorely miss."

"I do hope you haven't been helping Mr Diggory, Miss Weasley. It is against the rules, after all."

"No, sir. He mutters it to himself sometimes when I happen to be in the vicinity. I've never offered an opinion or any help whatsoever. I swear, just as surely as I've Weasley blood running through my veins." Hermione jabbed her side, and Dumbledore laughed heartily.

"That's good to hear."

"I don't get it." Ron said. "What's the riddle got to do with it?" Dumbledore looked over at him and he blushed. "Yeah, I haven't been helping Harry or nothing neither. Just as um- what she said."

"We're what they're taking, Ron. We're what the champions are going to have to rescue."

"In the lake?"

"Yes." Hermione clarified.

"We're going to be in the lake?"

"Ron, you're going to make us look like idiots to the eight year old." Gabrielle let out a giggle and Alex winked at her.

A/N- A lot of you be hating on Harry for having questions, but lmfao Alex has been mad sus since first year. Plus for some reason she's mentioned in his dreams about Voldemort. Of course he's confused. She has a psychopath terrorist promising not to hurt her friends and writing her a letter and she has so many secrets. He's not even very close to her but he has to ask her because there's no way he can talk to Ron about it or Hermione either.
Just a little defense for Harry. He's behaving like a normal person. Anyways hope you guys enjoyyy 💜💜

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