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Kichiro's second birthday was nice. Laila snuck out of the dungeons, and Hermione helped Ginny leave the tower stealthily. Luna knew where to go and Alex and Cedric came out together, meeting Laila outside. It was more people than last time but not so many to overwhelm the unicorns.

"Life is never boring with you, is it Weasley?" Laila smirked.

"As long as you stop making plans for my future, I'll clue you in on my adventures."

"Have you ever ridden one?"

"Last year. The twins tried to follow us out, and we didn't know but Venus and Mars could sense them so I went to check it out with Mars." Laila let out a long-suffering sigh.

"You could actually rule the school. You could be popular." Laila said. "What is wrong with you?"

"Not all of us aspire to take on the world, Laila."

"At least I have aspirations." Alex rolled her eyes.

"I have aspirations."

"Like what?"

"I can't tell you."

"Because they don't exist." Laila pressed.

"I can't be goaded that easy, but nice try."

"You two are making Kichiro restless with all that bickering." Cedric said and Alex immediately turned her attention to her unicorn.

"Hey baby, I'm sorry." She apologised, picking up the curry comb Hermione had given her after the summer. Early birthday gift, she'd claimed, along with other horse care equipment so Alex could groom him properly and not with the transfigured brushes that sometimes reverted before she was finished. She brushed out his coat, calming him gently.

It was nice to be out under the stars, the area set up with heating charms so they didn't catch a cold overnight. Alex insisted on sleeping near Kichiro so she could check on him and make sure he didn't overheat or grow too cold. She applied some paste on his growing horn bump before she settled down to sleep. As usual she woke up long before anyone else. She quietly crept up and walked to the edge of the camp, staring out into the trees. Mars came alongside her to nudge her.

"I'm just going for a walk." She said. "I'll be back soon." Mars neighed in disagreement. "Shh. I just need to stretch my legs for a few moments. I'll be fine." She tried to soothe. He huffed out an angry snort and laid down. "You want me to get on your back?" He whined, as though saying 'duh!'. "Okay, okay. Just don't throw me off." She clambered onto his back and he rose, leading her into the forest. "I would have been fine on my own, you know." She told him. "I just wanted to go for a walk. I know the forest well enough." Mars didn't dignify the statement with a response. They rode on in silence, taking in the peace of the forest.

"I'd thought you'd come to your senses and stopped coming to the forest." A voice rang out behind her. Mars tensed up, his ears flicking back as he nickered.

"Shh Shh." Alex soothed. "It's okay. It's just an annoying centaur, no real threat."

"Insulting a centaur? You were smarter than that three years ago."

"Isn't your territory further that way?" She pointed. "I'd like to know if you've moved so I know where to avoid."

"We haven't moved. I was following the stars."

"Any new information? Does it tell you how I'm going to doom the wizarding world if I don't stop keeping secrets again?" She asked sarcastically.

"Close. There's a rocky path ahead, and you're at another crossroads."

"Of course there is. Sounds familiar. Is this the part where you point out the forest is full of dangerous creatures and drag me back to Hogwarts?"

"There's a crack in your foundation and it needs repair. Your... father- nay, mentor... you'll need him in months to come."

"I don't have a mentor."

"You did, but there's a strained bond."

"You can tell all that from the stars. What, are they attuned to me specifically? Can you tell me what I had for dinner?"

"Your spite doesn't bother me, child."

"Don't call me that!" She snapped. "Whatever you saw in the stars- forget it. Just leave me alone."

"Careful in these woods. There's a dragon camp."

"That one, I already know about. The dragons are for the triwizard tournament at Hogwarts." Alex manoeuvred Mars so they were turning around. "Goodbye, Magorian. I really, truly, desperately hope this is the last time I ever have to see you." Mars began trotting away and she kept riding. They didn't go back to the camp straight away.

When they returned, Cedric was awake. She got off Mars and snuck over to sit next to him.
"Where did you go?" He asked.

"For a walk." She shrugged. "Mars insisted on coming with me and I saw Magorian again." She pulled a face.

"Well, you're still alive so that's a plus."

"He's still annoying." She huffed. "Still shared his unwelcome opinions. It's kind of weird how much he knows about me."

"What did he say?"

"Usual stuff. Danger. I need to rely on people. Though this time he all but specified Snape by name which is just annoying and another reason to ignore him. Stupid centaur."

"What happened between you and Snape anyway?"

"Nothing." Alex said. "I don't want to talk about it."

A/N- So, I'm thinking of starting a second Harry Potter fic, and I'm kind of drawn between two ideas. Either Hermione's Slytherin sister or McGonagall's Slytherin relative. Maybe granddaughter or niece. I haven't figured it out yet. Anyways, I won't have it up for a while, not until I figure out a vague plot and direction at least and what I'd be writing, but let me know which one you guys might be more interested in. Um, send in your votes, and I will make a choice a week from today.

Alexandra Weasley: Book 4Where stories live. Discover now