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Alex waited until dusk to sneak out and see Saphira.
"Hey." She whispered softly to the sleeping dragon. Saphira's giant eye opened and Alex softly stroked her snout.

You came.

"I would have come earlier but it's been a strange day." Alex said. "And I was kind of paranoid, felt like someone was watching me."

Your brother said some strange things. Something to celebrate.

"My birthday." Alex rolled her eyes. "We humans celebrate the day we were born every year."


"I don't know. To celebrate another year of life?" Alex shrugged. "It's a weird human thing."

Saphira let out a sort of purr. Happy celebrations.

"Thank you." Saphira scooped Alex up with her wing and set her on her back. She stood up, lifting Alex higher. "I can see everything from here!"

Wait until we fly out.

"Charlie's going to kill me if he finds out I stole you."

You can't steal me. I'm yours.

"Because I'm a speaker?"

Because we're connected, Alex. We're going to achieve great things together.

"You know you picked the wrong person for an adventure, right?" Alex said. "If you wanted excitement, you should have picked Hermione, or Harry Potter or Viktor Krum."

I didn't choose you. We've always been connected.

"I don't believe in fate much, either." Alex said. "I met a centaur and he said I was destined for evil. So either I believe in fate and that I'm destined to be evil or I don't believe in fate and I can choose not to be evil. I'm very reliant on the latter."

You don't have to think of it as fate. It's a connection that transcends mortality.

"That suspiciously sounds like an immortal connection."

A soul connection. Saphira corrected.

"I don't understand."

You are my speaker. We are linked. Not like the blessing bestowed on you by the unicorns, but a connection that has existed since before you took your first breath. Saphira said. Look. All of a sudden Alex's vision changed. The forest that had been too dark to see properly in had become clearer than anything she'd ever seen. She could see crickets in the trees, feel the presence of the unicorns. She could see the warmth of the centaurs and the life of the trees and dryads.

"Woah." She breathed, barely noticing as Saphira lifted off the ground. "This is what you see?"


"It's beautiful." Alex and Saphira both turned their head simultaneously. Looking around. Before Alex knew it, they were soaring the sky.

Hold on tight! Saphira laughed in her mind and Alex gripped Saphira tightly as the dragon began to soar up into the sky.

Draco was doing some sort of homework in the library alone, so Alex joined him.
"Hey." She greeted, bringing out her own books.

"What are you doing here?"


"At my table?"

"Shall I leave?" She asked and he shook his head.

"No, you can stay. Whatever." He said, and focused on his work. "The other day, Danny paint blasting you... are you going to do anything?"

"Are you asking or is he?"

"I am, I'd like to know if and when I need to make myself scarce."

"I've actually had a lot on my mind. I don't know. If I do anything, I'll make sure it doesn't affect you." She said, and he nodded. "Your mum's a Black, isn't she?"

"Yeah, Sirius Black was her cousin." He sounded exasperated as though he'd had to answer that question a lot. "Still they were never close, especially after Black got into Gryffindor. He was always the black sheep."

"Yeah, I'm sure. That's not what I was asking. Has your mum ever told you about what it was like with her sisters?" Draco frowned.

"Her sisters?"

"Yeah, like Andromeda and Bellatrix."

"She never talks about them at all. Andromeda disgraced the family and Bellatrix is... away." He said quietly. "Why are you so interested?"

"I don't know. I think my brother was friends with your aunt's daughter. Andromeda, and I just wondered if you knew anything about her."

"Never met any of them in my life. All I know is Andromeda ran away and disappeared off the face of the earth. No one could ever find her. Good riddance, too. I don't think my mother knows she had a child at Hogwarts." Alex hmm'd and moved on.

"Are you going to the Yule ball?" She asked.


"Who are you taking?" He shrugged.

"Dunno, yet." Alex rolled her eyes.

"What about Pansy?"

"Parkinson?" He frowned. "She says no to everyone."


"I'm not a wimp." She grinned.

"What do you have to lose? If she says no, it's a no. If she says yes, you'll be going to the ball with someone who's presence you actually like." He shrugged. "If you're afraid of a humiliation, ask her privately."

"Whatever, are you going?" She nodded. "With who?"

"Cedric, as soon as he mans up and asks." She huffed.

"What makes you so sure he will?"

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, he could just as well ask Chang, couldn't he?"

"They're not together." She said, exasperated. "Really?"

"You sure? I mean, they're both subpar seekers, moderately okay-looking, actually she's rather gorgeous but he's-"

"I'm sure." She said. "You're such an arse."

"You should try something with your hair, maybe."

"Me? Have you looked in a mirror? You need a haircut, you're starting to look scarily like your father."

"So?" She opened her mouth to respond but thought better of it.

"Never mind." She said, and looked back at her runic translations.

A/N- Yo, I really want a Saphira in my life. Anyone wanna get me a dragon? I'll cover shipping costs if you'll give me oneee 😭😭

Alexandra Weasley: Book 4Where stories live. Discover now