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The funeral for Cedric was a private and intimate affair. Alex went with her parents and Hermione, spotting a few of Cedric's friends and his grandparents at the site. She went to see his nan first. She stood alone.

"Oh, Alex dear." Dottie Diggory said, pulling in the young girl for a hug. Alex managed a small smile before tears welled up in her eyes again.

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." She mumbled. "He didn't deserve this."

"Neither do you." Dottie said kindly. "I know you loved him and I know he loved you. He could spend letters talking about everything he loved about you." Alex gave a teary laugh as they separated. "Don't be a stranger, dear. Write to us any time."

"I will, Mrs Diggory."

"Oh, call me Dottie." She corrected.

"I really loved him too." Alex promised. "We were going to be forever." Dottie wiped away Alex's tears.

"He said the same thing to me once. That the two of you were forever." More tears trailed down their faces.

"I'm sorry I couldn't protect him."

"It wasn't up to you to. The teachers should have taken better care with the maze. Dumbledore should have taken better precautions." Dottie rested a hand on Alex's shoulder. "It wasn't your fault, dearie."

"Thank you."

"Go on, join your friends. I'll see you later before you leave." Alex nodded once and walked back over to Hermione who let her collapse in her arms.

It was a week later when Malcolm approached Alex. He held a bundle in his arms.
"His parents asked us to pack up his things, but we thought you should have these." He said. Alex gingerly took the bundle.

"Thanks." She says and sat on a chair to look through it. At the top were a few pictures, some still, some moving. The first was the picture she'd given to him in her second year. The gag gift she'd given him under the guise of making sure Kichiro never forgot her. "I can't believe he kept this."

"I can't believe it still took him a year to ask you out even after that." Malcolm grinned. "He used to look at it every day."

"I gave it to him sort of as a joke." She smiled to herself and looked through the rest of the pictures. There were a few of their date at the ice rink that she didn't know he'd bought. There was the option to, but she thought they'd decided not to. He must have gone back for it when she wasn't looking. He had a copy of the one of her with Kichiro and Saphira, and a few of them in the grove. She remembered laughing when he joked he wanted proof that the grove did exist when he went old and senile. Malcolm took a seat next to her.

"He always bragged that you were almost a better seeker than him." She rolled her eyes.

"He was exaggerating. I loved flying, and I'm pretty sure he let me win half our races."

"So you didn't teach him moves?" Malcolm asked.

"Some of the more daring ones, sure. But only because he was sane enough not to try the ones that could make him break bones on his own." Alex frowned. "Who's going to be the quidditch captain, now?"

"We'll have to see. Put it to a vote. See who's got the best strategies. We'll probably do that after we've got all the members of the team to see who'd be best suited." Alex nodded.

"Thanks, for this. It means a lot." Malcolm smiled at her before leaving, and Alex looked through the other things in the pile.

Hogwarts was somber in the aftermath of Cedric's death. Everyone was mourning his loss. Alex heard the rumours, knew how most of the school thought Harry was lying about what had happened. Alex had no energy to step in. She had hardly any energy to focus in class. She kept her distance from Snape, hard as it was. He always seemed to look physically ill in the mornings and she knew it had something to do with Voldemort. She tried staying away from Hermione too. Of course, as soon as the Gryffindor caught on, she was quick to try to tell Alex she was out of her mind. Still, it didn't stop her from attempting to keep her distance.

"Hey, Alex. Do you wanna go for a walk?" Susan offered. Alex glanced up and shrugged. Susan tried again, nudging her this time. "Come on, you haven't moved all weekend. Some fresh air will do you good." Alex stood up wordlessly and let Susan pull her out. Susan led her out to the courtyard where they took a seat on one of the benches. "Cedric wouldn't want you to shut off from everyone. You know that."

"Cedric doesn't get a say."

"That's fair." Susan admitted. "But the rest of us aren't going anywhere. You can ignore us, revert back to old habits, but we got past your wall once. We'll do it again." Alex kept quiet again.

The end of term feast was solemn. Dumbledore made an announcement about Voldemort's return. The seat next to Alex where Cedric commonly sat was left empty. Alex was numb throughout the meal, half listening to Dumbledore. How hard could it be to find a decent teacher. How could it be possible that Dumbledore would make the same mistake and hire a voldeminion again? After Quirrell, there had to be better checks. I mean, since when would polyjuice fool Albus Dumbledore? She ignored the looks sent her way, opting to glassily stare at a wall.

The next day marked the start of the summer holidays. The beauxbatons students were the first to leave, though Amélie came to say goodbye to Alex.
"I'm very sorry for how this trip turned out." Amélie said. "But I thank you for your kindness throughout the year." Alex nodded. "I believe Gabrielle has something to say."

"Sure." Alex shrugged and Amélie turned to beckon her forth. Gabrielle skipped forward.

"It was nice meeting you, Alex. Thank you!"

"It was nice meeting you as well. Behave for your sister and cousin, okay?"

"Of course." Gabrielle said. She suddenly wrapped her arms around Alex's waist and Alex paused not expecting it before hugging back.

"Alright, Gabby. Go to Fleur." Gabrielle grinned toothily once more at Alex, said a goodbye and ran back. "Sorry, I don't think she quite understands what happened."

"No, it's okay. Let her keep her innocence. It's a good thing."

"Do you believe Harry's story?" Alex nodded.

"I saw Cedric's body. There wasn't a single mark on him. No maulings, or anything and he was too well prepared to be felled by anything in that maze. So yeah, I believe him."

"Promise me you won't do anything stupid. Take care of yourself." Alex nodded.

"I'll try. Happy birthday, by the way."

"How do you know?"

"Gabrielle's very talkative."

"When do you turn 17?"

"December." She said.

"Alright, I suppose I'll see you in the enchanted garden then."

"I don't know about that. Not sure if I'm going to take part anymore." Alex said. "Anyways, I'll write to you."


"Your carriage's leaving. You should go." Amélie looked like she wanted to say more but didn't get the chance as Alex walked off.

When the time came for the Hogwarts students to go home, Alex snuck into a compartment up front, hidden from most of the students. And just in case Hermione found her, Alex cast a spell of illusion on the compartment door so anyone who peered through would see a group of students. Suffice to say, Hermione did not find her. Though, Luna did. She slipped into the compartment and sat opposite Alex.

"Luna, I'd like to be alone please." Luna nodded and stood but held out a charm necklace. Her mother's strength rune one.

"You once told me if I couldn't seem to find my strength, I had friends who'd be that for me." She reminded. "You do too. You have me and Hermione and Laila, and Ginny and your brothers, and your roommates. But if that's daunting, I'll keep reminding you of your strength."

"Thanks Loony." Alex said and Luna smiled at the nickname.

A/N- I feel like Susan's main personality trait is comforting. She comforts Hannah through her parents' divorce, and Alex after Cedric's death. I mean, I'm sure she's got more to her. I need to add more depth to her character, but probs won't be for a while.

Anyways, favourite line is "we got past your wall once. We'll do it again." 🥺

Also, you guys know the drill by now. End of book 4, so next book will be uploaded ASAP. Hope you guys enjoyyy and thanks for sticking around this far 💜💜

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