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In the end, it took Ginny asking her to take down all the badges for Alex to comply. She gave Draco a warning before breaking apart her original badge and releasing the spells on the badge so anyone wearing it would have blank badges instead.

"Do you have to prank the twins?" Hermione asked, as Alex sat with her and Cedric.

"Of course. Cedric's honour was insulted. His ego offended. He was-"

"It's got nothing to do with me. I think she's just bored without a full schedule." Cedric cut her off.

"I'm not bored. I have Kichiro and Venus and Saphira and Mars."

"Oh please, you've been avoiding the unicorns, and there's only so many times Charlie will let you sneak in to see Saphira." Hermione scoffed.

"Charlie can't stop me. Saphira's mine."

"Nothing about how you're avoiding Kichiro?"

"I'm not." Alex said, but even she heard the weakness of her statement.

"You could just ask Snape for the horn." Hermione suggested.

"He's going to make me talk to him if I do because then he'll think I really don't trust him."

"But you don't."

"I don't mistrust him." Alex said.

"But you don't trust him either."

"I don't think I can handle another heart to heart either. I have a great grandmother apparently, by the way. What am I supposed to do with that? My grandparents have been dead for as long as I can remember and my only biological one does not count. He murdered his father in cold blood. And now I have a great grandmother? A blood-prejudiced one. I can't face him." Alex let her head drop.

"Can't believe we're actually sitting here and talking about the likelihood of Snape forcing you to chat." Hermione remarked. Alex sat up and sent her the darkest glare she could muster and Hermione laughed. "I'm sorry. I am listening to your very valid issues and I sympathise completely."

"Just do your transfiguration essay." Alex huffed.

"Anti clockwise for curses bound to the moon, clockwise for curses bound to the sun and earth, right?" Cedric asked, after a moment of silence.


"Just checking." He said and continued.

They all looked up, hearing someone approach.
"Can I hide here?" Viktor Krum asked.

"Sure." Cedric agreed. He sat down on the only empty seat. Their little nook was at the back of the library for the privacy it offered. It didn't take long for some of Krum's fans to find them.

Lavender Brown was the first one to brave past Alex's glares and approach. "Hermione, remember that spell we found?"

"Sure." Hermione answered absentmindedly, humouring her friend.

"The limb-tie one."

"Uh huh."

"Isn't Brown the perfect test subject? I mean, the long legs- if it was going to work, it would be on her, right?" Lavender turned and fled immediately.

"You're a very odd combination of harmless and terrifying." Cedric said.

"Limb-tie spell. What kind of moron would believe that?" She said, before reaching over to grab a book off the pile between her and Hermione.

"I believed it." Victor said, looking uncomfortable.

"How much do you know of British jinxes?" She asked and he shrugged.

"Just the ones that transcend language and cultures."

"Then you're not a moron. You know spells specific and useful to you. I'm guessing at least, I don't really know what your magical acuity level is." She shrugged before focusing back on her book.

"That's Alex." Hermione said, ignoring her friend's rudeness. "I'm Hermione, and this is Cedric."

"Viktor." He said. "Thank you for letting me sit with you."

"I think we all know who you are." Alex said. "My brother's obsessed."

"I don't think Ron would like you embarrassing him." Hermione scolded.

"I never said which brother." Alex said. Hermione glared. "And I don't really care if I embarrass Ron. I will gladly embarrass him."

Harry's fight with Ron did not let up, nor did it look like it would come to an end soon so Alex had Hermione to tell him about the dragons.
"As of now Hermione is the enemy." She told her boyfriend, seriously. He nodded.

"Of course."

"She's helping Harry, and I'm helping you so we cannot bounce ideas off each other. Therefore we are enemies and can not be allowed to be alone with each other until the task is over."

"Bet you won't last till tomorrow."

"Your faith in me is underwhelming."

"I have the utmost faith in you. I just know you and Hermione. You guys could never avoid each other."

"Do you have any idea how you'll get by the dragons?" He shrugged.

"You're the expert." She sighed and pulled out a large parchment.

"These are the six dragons Charlie brought. Seven, if you include Saphira but she's not part of the task. Now they would have ordinarily brought three, but considering the amount of things that could go wrong- one of the dragons could get sick or go rogue, et cetera, they brought double the amount of dragons needed. These three are the originals." She pointed at her diagrams. "One of the backups will be added to the pool, which means four out of the six dragons will be used. You could come up against any one of them, so you're going to study this guide." She brought out a handmade booklet, held together with treasury tags, out of seemingly nowhere.

"When did you have the time to make this?"

"I have so much time now that I don't have lessons with Snape, and that I've dropped muggle studies, and that I don't have any secret areas to catalogue." She said. "I think Mari is pregnant, by the way."


"She was a lot more distant from you than usual, and Scar was getting super protective whenever you got close."

"Mari doesn't even know me, and all the unicorns save Kichiro are always protective."

"I'm telling you, there's a difference. She's not showing yet, but I'm pretty sure she's pregnant."

"I believe you. What are you going to do?"

"I don't know. I think I'm going to check up on her more often, make sure she's careful and healthy. After Venus and Kichiro, I don't know if Mari'll be okay."

"She will be." He said so firmly Alex believed him.

Alexandra Weasley: Book 4Where stories live. Discover now