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Alex was on her way to meet Hermione in the courtyard. The hallway was empty, most of the student population too busy getting ready. She'd almost reached the end when she saw a reflection of a purple light. Confused, she ignored it and continued. She tried walking again only to see the same light. There was no mistaking what it was this time. She whipped around, her wand falling into her hand. There was a whipping of robes, and long hair around the far corner. Alex ran over but the culprit had disappeared. She put her hand on the wall. "I hope this works. Can you show me what happened, who was back here and who tried to hex me?" There was no answer. "I'll go to the vanishing room, if that's the only place it'll work. Please help me."

Alex rushed to find Hermione and pulled her along to the seventh floor. "Why can't you ever tell me where we're going and why, like a normal person?"

"Because I can never believe it myself and this is a long shot." Alex said, as she finally reached the painting of barnabas the barmy. She paced around it thrice, thinking I need to know what happened in the hallway near the courtyard.

"What do you need from here?" Hermione questioned.

"Just come." Alex said, closing the door behind them. As soon as she did, the room turned into the hallway.

"Oh." Hermione gasped. Alex watched as an illusion of herself appeared at the end. Turning to watch her back, she looked for the person who'd tried to hex her. "That- Alex, did that happen?"

"Yeah." Alex grit her teeth, her eyes glinting dangerously. "I didn't know who so I asked the walls. I'm going to murder her."

"No you're not." Hermione said. "Because you don't hurt people."

"That's the get sick jinx, H. She was trying to hex me to get me out of the way so she could go to the ball with Cedric."

"Cedric wouldn't go to the ball with her of all people, even if you were sick." Alex glared harder as the illusion faded. Hermione stood in front of the door.

"If it wasn't for Venus, I'd be bedridden for twenty four hours, antidote or antijinx or not. I'm going to hex her in return."

"No, you're not."

"No, I'm not." Alex huffed. "I'm going to do the stupid right thing and tell a teacher."

"Yeah." Hermione nodded.

"But you punched Draco because he laughed at Hagrid. Why can't I exact my vengeance for someone who tried to curse me?"

"It was a hex. Not even a hex. It was a jinx. And yes, I'm a hypocrite. We already know that, remember? And you don't really want to hurt Cho. You don't want to hurt anyone."

"Just because it's called a jinx, doesn't mean it is one. It's a misnomer, and it's definitely a hex."

"Well, I still shouldn't have punched Malfoy. I got caught up in the moment. And you're not going to hit Cho. It's not your style."

"I know. It would be wrong. However good it would feel to get back at her, hurting someone isn't right and I know that. Don't worry. I didn't inherit my evil grandfather's evil disposition to hurt anyone who wrongs me."

"Exactly. Because you are good." Alex smiled at her friend.

"I'm going to tell Dumbledore. I'm going to let her get in trouble and face the consequences of her actions."

"Would you like me to come? Technically I witnessed it."

"No, it's okay. I still need to take you to the Hufflepuff commons. I'll cite you though. Getting ready's going to take us ages, you might as well get started. And I don't know if Dumbledore's going to have questions." She looked at a worried Hermione. "I'm okay to be on my own for a few minutes. I'm not going to suddenly lose it and decide to hurt her. Besides, there's not long till Mari gives birth anyway- I can't afford to be found out and get detention." Hermione let out a wry grin at the joke.

"I'm not worried about that. What if she figures out you've got the immunity? She's a Ravenclaw, probably for a reason."

"She won't. Protection spell should cover our tracks. I'll just say after Danny's paint bomb, I didn't trust he wouldn't escalate to using magic against me so I keep up a protection spell." Hermione nodded.

"Okay. You're okay?"

"Miss Weasley, this is a surprise. I expected you'd be readying yourself for the ball."

"Cho Chang tried to attack me. She would have succeeded if it weren't for Venus's blessing."

"That's a serious accusation."

"She tried to hex me when my back was turned."

"And you're sure it was her?" Alex nodded.

"I saw her. So did Hermione. She tried the get sick jinx. I saw her cast it." He frowned in confusion.

"How did you see it if your back was turned?" Alex realised her slip too late. She opened her mouth to answer and closed it. "Miss Weasley?"

"I saw the purple light of the hex, twice. When I turned around she'd disappeared. I asked the walls to show me and they did. I saw Chang clear as day attempt the get sick jinx."

"You asked the walls?" He repeated. "That is new."

"Hogwarts helps those who ask for it, right? There are places in which solace can be found. Hermione saw the memory with me."

"Have the walls shown you anything before?"

"On my birthday, after the letter. I was upset and I guess I was thinking of Morgana. I saw a couple memories of her with Andromeda. It's the only other thing I've been shown."

"Why would Miss Chang hex you?"

"Probably because she wants to go to the ball with Cedric and thinks getting me out of the picture's the way." Alex crossed her arm. "Why does it feel like I'm in trouble? She's the one who tried to hex me!"

"Of course. I'll speak to Miss Chang and sort it out." He said.

A/N- wow, I'm really demonising Cho. I usually like Cho too, as many of you do, but after Lee Jordan made that comment about Cho and Cedric, like years ago, it was going to inevitable that she become a villain. Anyways, hope you guys enjoyy 💜

Alexandra Weasley: Book 4Where stories live. Discover now