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"I have an idea." Alex told her uncle. "Except not really."

"That clears everything up."

"The circlet." She clarified. "It's a half brained plan. It's not fully thought out."

"What is it?"

"So, it's called the circlet of infinity. Made by Morgan La Fey. And theoretically, I can take it off, but only if I accept it. If I accept it as mine, and don't intend to forsake it, I can take it off."

"Therein lies your problem?" He asked and she nodded.

"After this whole getting stuck on my head thing, how can I ever willingly put it back on? And unless I intend to put it back on, I can't take it off. It's a messed up paradox."

"Where did you get your information?"

"I knew I was forgetting something. I'm going to need an explanation for Dumbledore, won't I?"

"Why don't you try the truth?" He asked.

"The truth is private. Um, okay, I figured it out when I was talking to Luna... and she told me a story she'd heard as a child about the circlet of infinity." Alex lied, very clearly making it up on the spot.

"And will Miss Lovegood corroborate your story?"

"If I ask her, probably." Alex said. "Back to my problem of taking off this ctupid circlet. This is the last time I pick something because it's pretty."

"The jewels seem fine. I've checked them for any type of magic, but they seem harmless. I've asked Filius to look it over just in case."

"What did you tell him?"

"Nothing. Just asked him a favour."

"What do I do with it if he gives us the all clear?"

"Sell it? Take it to a jewellers and get it cut for rings and necklaces." He shrugged. "Keep it as a momento. Whatever you'd like."

"Wouldn't that be an interesting story for my parents?" She said.

"You should write a book after you leave Hogwarts. The ins and outs that you've accumulated over the years."

"Huh, I might. I could probably get a pretty penny." She said. "I'd have to write under a pseudonym, though."

"You wouldn't have to." She sent him a look. "Never mind."

"Any advice for getting this off my head?" She asked, pointing to the circlet.

"Accept its power." He said.

"Aside from that."

"Take a seat. Your pacing is giving me a headache." He said and she did.


"You don't want the circlet because the idea of being able to do more than the average witch isn't something that appeals to you, yes?"

"The idea of Voldemort using me and any extra abilities I may have is what doesn't appeal to me." She corrected.

"He won't get a hold of you." Snape said. "You do know that as long as I live, he will never get a hold of you."

"I know you believe that, and I know you'll try. But you don't know what the future holds." He stood and walked around the table and stood before her.

"Maybe I don't, but I will never allow him to use you. I will always keep you safe." Alex started at the fervour in his tone.

"Okay." She said. "Thanks, professor uncle." He rolled his eyes as her teasing.

"Accepting the circlet and its powers- it wouldn't be a bad thing. And does it say anywhere that there's a set amount of times you have to wear it?" Alex shrugged. "Intend to use it only in times of crisis. Make sure to keep it close and with you."

"Worth a try." She said and reached up to her head. She closed her eyes and focused her magic to the ornament on her head. "I'll put you back on, someday." She told it. "But you have to come off now." She tried to take it off and hissed as it zapped her. "Ow!"

"What's wrong?" Snape asked. "Are you okay?"

"Stupid thing zapped me." She glared. "It didn't work, and now we can add temperamental to its list of attributes. Don't laugh."

"My apologies." He said, amusement dancing across his face. She grabbed her hat and pulled it back on.

"I have to go. Third tasks tomorrow and I wanna see Cedric." He nodded and she left.

"Hi." Cedric brightened when Alex walked into the common room. She smiled back and walked over.


"Gonna take away your boyfriend for a last minute study session?" Maxine asked. Alex shook her head.

"No, he's good. He knows what he knows and nothing's going to change that now. Besides, I've got faith in him." Cedric pulled her down gently so she fell into his lap.


"How are you feeling?" She asked.

"Prepared. Can't wait till tomorrow ends." He said. "You'll be there right?"

"Wouldn't miss it for the world. I'll be waiting for your victory."

"Our victory." He told her. She leaned in and kissed him, ignoring their friends around them. "Hey, let's go flying." He proposed quietly.

"Wanna see if the room'll provide a pair of Thruster 3000s?" She whispered back and his eyes lit up.

"Bye." He called to his friends, and pulled Alex out of the tunnel.

A/N- the Hufflepuffs Cedric was sitting with right now: 😳😳
Favourite line- 'This is the last time I pick something because it's pretty'

Alexandra Weasley: Book 4Where stories live. Discover now