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Alex tried to figure out how to get the circlet off that night. She sat alone in the tunnel that led to the Slytherin dungeons, wanting some peace and took off her hat. She touched the circlet and felt the warmth of its magic.

"It's hard to accept you if you keep me hostage, you know." She said aloud. "I guess you can feel my reluctance, though." She ran her middle and index finger across the length of the band. "I'll be honest. Power would be a wonderful thing but only if you're the one in control. I'd rather be powerless than a puppet, you know?" Alex rubbed her eyes. "Yeah, I'm talking to a magic circlet, which I'm pretty sure is the weirdest thing I've talked to. And I've talked to a lot of weird things." She sighed. "Okay, here's the deal. Right now, I'm not ready to accept you and what you come with. I'm not ready because I'm still afraid my grandfather will find a way to get to me and use me. I know Snape promises that'll never happen, but to be fair it's not a promise he can make. So for now, let's part ways. I'll find someplace safe to put you, and one day when I am ready and I'm not afraid anymore, I'll bring you out. But the longer you stay stuck on my head, the less chance there'll be of me ever accepting you."

It was silent, and Alex tried to remove the circlet but it didn't budge. She almost scoffed. She wasn't sure what she expected. Just as she was about to give up and put her hat back on, the circlet levitated and fluttered before her and gently rested on her lap.

"Thank you." She said and stood. Putting her hat back on, she crept back to her room, and hid the circlet in her trunk, before locking it with multiple charms.

It was almost a shock for her friends to see her without her hat the next day.
"What, losing the wicked witch of the west semblance?" Charlie smirked.

"Muggle reference, Charlotte." Alex retorted. "No one gets it."

"Oh please, it may be a muggle reference, but you read the book so you do get it." Alex winked at her.

"So has your so called bet ended?" Megan asked.

"Yep. That is the last time I underestimate Hermione."

"Who's ready for their exam?" Hannah cut in, attempting to stop an argument from erupting. Alex turned to her friend worriedly.

"Exam... right. Are you okay with it?" Hannah bit her lip but nodded.

"I think so. I studied a lot for it and I'm okay in History of Magic. I think I'll be fine."

"You sure?" Megan asked and Hannah nodded.

"As long as you two can keep it civil, I'll be fine." Megan and Alex exchanged a glance, a promise of a temporary truce for the rest of the day.

"Of course." Megan smiled.

"Yeah. Meg and I are just kidding around."

After her exam, Alex was called to the headmaster's office. To her surprise, her parents were there. Dumbledore excused himself almost as soon as she reached the room.
"Mum? Dad? What are you guys doing here?"

"Supporting Harry. Poor lad doesn't really have other family cheering him on."

"As long as you don't ask me to cheer for him. I'm firmly team Cedric." Her father laughed and Molly turned her disapproving gaze on him. Alex walked over to Fawkes's perch and stroked his wings.

"We hear magical creatures seems to be your calling." Arthur said. She frowned and he elaborated. "Charlie sent us a copy of the picture of you with the dragon and unicorn."

"Highly irresponsible letting you go so near them without protection." Molly harrumphed.

"Saphira and Kichiro are hardly dangerous." Alex defended. "Besides, what's Charlie supposed to do when I'm the one bringing him the creatures?"

"I do wish you'd take better care."

"The forest isn't all that dangerous." Alex promised. "I swear, I keep to the paths away from anything dangerous. I'm not like Ron, I don't go searching for acromantula lairs."

"Ronald did what?" Her mother shrieked.

"Did Dumbledore tell you I found treasure?" Alex asked, trying to change the subject.


"Precious gems. Big ones. Snape's looking over them, making sure there are no curses or dormant spells on them."


"In the forest."

"How often do you go into the forest?" Her mother asked. She shrugged.

"Is that really the point? I'm safe out there. Almost no one knows it as well as I do." Alex said.

"You make sure someone knows where you are when you go in?" Her father asked and she nodded.

"Yeah. Quite a few people know the paths I take. Sometimes Cedric brings me food if I miss a meal." She said. "Can we move past that now? I mean, you guys can't be surprised I go into the forest. How do you think I got the unicorn blessings in the first place or met Saphira?"

"I'm glad you're okay." Molly said kindly.

"Thanks." Fawkes chirped and flew to stand on her head. She stood still, a giggle escaping her.

"Applications for the wizarding schools potion tournament arrived yesterday. Of course we have until the end of summer to send them off. But if you want to fill it out now, we can leave it for you." Molly offered.

"Yes! Merlin, yes! That's amazing." Her eyes lit up. Her parents exchanged a glance as Fawkes flew off her head and back onto his perch. "Thank you."

A/N- there aren't any proper iconic or fun lines, I guess, but if I had to choose it'd be 'I'm not like Ron, I don't go searching for acromantula lairs'. Just throwing her brother under the bus lmfao

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