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Something was going on. Bill and Charlie kept hinting about something that was going to happen at Hogwarts- something big. Charlie even hinted he'd be visiting, which had Alex thinking. It would either have something to do with dragons or quidditch. After careful deliberation and the fact that even Percy knew about it and thought it a big deal (though it was absolutely top secret and he couldn't say anymore), she ruled out quidditch. Which left dragons. Was it a demonstration on Saphira? The last living earth dragon? Alex knew the ministry knew about it, but she wasn't sure if they knew where Saphira had come from.

It wasn't until after they got on the train that Cedric spilled.
"Dad told me right before we boarded. Think I finally wore him down." He said. "Hogwarts is hosting the triwizard tournament."

"No!" She said. "What, really? Didn't we get rid of them for a reason?"

"Yeah. According to dad, it'll be Hogwarts, Durmstrang and Beauxbatons."

"Amélie!" Alex exclaimed. "That's why she was asking me about Hogwarts."

"You're in contact with her?" Cedric sounded surprised.

"Hermione ruined me." Alex said. "You and Hermione both. I'm the sort of person who makes friends now."

"My little social butterfly." He said, making fun of her. She rolled her eyes.

"I didn't think I'd see her until the potions championship next year." Alex frowned. "Wait, if Charlie's coming one of the tasks has to be dragon based. That's dangerous! And cruel to the dragons. Well, I don't think Charlie's reserve would offer up dragons for dragon fighting, so it's got to be something else."

"Leave some mystery for the tasks." He said.

"Well, I feel sorry for whoever's taking part. Though, they'd deserve it for volunteering to take part in such an antiquated ritual."

"Not a fan?"

"People die, Cedric. Definitely not a fan."

"Talking about the tournament?" Blaise and Draco popped in.

"Hey look! It's tweedledee and tweedledum if they were wannabe evil maniacs."

"Let me guess- for the comment about Granger during the World Cup?" Draco asked and Alex nodded. "Boy, you really tell each other everything don't you?"

"Hey, you should take part in the tournament. Maybe it'll knock some manners into you."

"My manners are impeccable, thank you very much." He glared haughtily.

"I've yet to see any use of them."

"Wait, why are you mad at me? I wasn't there." Blaise said.

"Do you object to his behaviour?"

"I feel like there's no right answer." Alex huffed.

"There's a right answer. And that was a wrong answer." She told him.

"Huh?" Blaise cupped his hand behind his ear. "Sorry, I think we're being called." He said, pulling Draco along with him.

"I think you scare them a little." Cedric smirked and she shrugged.


When they got off the train, they headed to the horse carriages. Alex noted Luna staring at the thestrals tied to a carriage.
"You see them?" Alex asked. Luna nodded.

"Do you?"

"Yeah. They're thestrals. They're visible to those who have seen death."

"Oh." Luna deflated, her eyes going blank as though recalling something.

"Come on." Alex led her onto the carriage where Cedric was waiting.

"My mother died four years ago. I went to go ask her something and a potion she was making backfired." Luna offered up the information.

"I'm sorry." Alex frowned. "That must have been awful."

"Yeah." Luna nodded. Alex didn't know what to say, so she put her hand on Luna's arm comfortingly.

They reached the great hall soon enough, Luna standing with Alex and Cedric. They had all barely entered the building before Peeves began pelting the students with waterballoons. By the time McGonagall chased him off, Alex was one of the unlucky ones who got drenched. She curled into Cedric as she began to shiver soon after. The great hall was large and sort of cold, which really wasn't the best placed to be if you were soaking. As though reading her mind, the hall warmed up a little, but she didn't move away from Cedric. She waved at Luna as they moved to the Hufflepuff table, sneaking a look at a dry Hermione.

The sorting went by quick enough, though Alex was hung up on the lack of a defense teacher at the front table. When Dumbledore announced there'd be no inter-house quidditch match, Alex inwardly cheered.
"You don't have to pretend to not be delighted." Cedric said.

"I think we should face the facts. We really don't share the same interests." She said. "We're total opposites."

"We are."

"Honestly, I think I'd prefer your quidditch matches to the alternative." She said.

"It could be fun." He tried. She looked skeptic and he shrugged.

"This is due to an event that will be starting in October," Dumbledore stated. "-and continuing throughout the school year, taking up much of the teachers' time and energy, but I am sure you will all enjoy it immensely. I have great pleasure in announcing that this year at Hogwarts -" He was cut off by the door to the great hall opening with a bang. They all looked up to see a man with a strange eye and an incredibly scarred face.

"Who is that?" Charlie whispered. "He looks like something out of a slasher film." Alex shot her a puzzled look and she shook her head. "Muggle thing. Remind me to invite you over next summer so I can show you a telly."

"Sure."  The man reached the front of the great hall and sat next to Dumbledore. He grabbed the plate of sausages and sniffed it. Susan giggled down the table as the man speared a sausage with his fork and took a bite. "Mad-eye Moody."

"What?" Charlie asked.

"Are you sure?" Cedric asked beside her.

"Yeah, it's Mad-Eye Moody. I saw him once, ages ago when I was a kid. Besides, how many wizards do you think have mad eyes like that?"

"May I introduce our new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher?" said Dumbledore brightly into the silence. "Professor Moody."

Alexandra Weasley: Book 4Where stories live. Discover now