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Alex stood in the front row with Hermione, Ron, Amélie, Gabrielle and the rest of the champions' friends. She watched Cedric walk in with Harry, then a minute later Viktor, and another minute later Fleur. They stood in silence for a little while before Ron spoke up.
"So how long do you think it'll take, considering we can't see anything?"

"No less than an hour, at least." She said. "I brought along something to do while we wait."


"Application for the potions contest." Amélie tuned in.

"Yours came?"

"Yeah, yesterday. My parents brought it along today."

"I'm going to win this time." Amélie said. "I'm going to beat you."

"Good luck." Alex smirked and sat back and began scrawling her details on the paper.

"You gonna use Kurata and Snape as your sponsors again?" Amélie asked. Alex shrugged.

"Probably, but I'll have to ask first." Amélie leaned away as her younger cousin tugged on her arm.

"Where's the closest bathroom?" Amélie related Gabrielle's question.

"Um, Moaning Myrtle's toilet on the ground floor." Alex answered. "I can take her, if you want."

"Est-ce que ça te convient?" [Does that suit you?] Amélie muttered and Gabrielle nodded shyly. Alex put away her application and put her bag on the seat. She led Gabrielle back into Hogwarts.

"Are you excited for Fleur?" Alex tried to make conversation and Gabrielle nodded.

"Elle est ma grande sœur. J'ai un peu peur, mais je suis trés content pour elle." [She is my big sister. I'm a little afraid but I am very happy for her.] Gabrielle stopped as though it just occurred to her that she was talking to a British student, and not a French one. "Desolé. I mean, sorry."

"C'est bon. Je parle Français." [It's okay. I speak French]

"Weasley!" Moody caught her as she and Gabrielle headed back out to the field. She glanced at him, warily.

"Hello, professor." She said.

"Come with me." He demanded gruffly.

"I can't. I have to get Gabrielle back, and I want to be there when Cedric comes out." She said. "Is something wrong?"

He glanced at the child next to her as though just noticing her presence. "No, I just had some questions." She nodded awkwardly.

"Sorry, professor." She said and ushered Gabrielle back to the stands.

There had been no developments to the maze by the time Alex and Gabrielle returned. Though almost immediately as she sat, red sparks flew into the air. Alex grabbed Hermione's hand in anticipation. McGonagall walked in with Snape, and a few minutes they both exited levitating Fleur and Viktor. Gabrielle gasped at the sight of her sister and Amélie sheltered her eyes.
"Go." Alex offered, seeing Amélie's fear for her cousin. "Gabrielle can stay with us."

"Thank you." Amélie thanked and darted out to the mobile med-bay Madam Pomfrey had set up.

"What do you think happened?" Gabrielle asked.

"Probably just a simple stunning spell. Fleur will be okay." Alex comforted.

"Blost hell, she knows French now?" Ron muttered and Alex winked at the young girl beside her.

"So does Hermione, Ron." He looked at Hermione who sat between them.

"Well, she spent a summer in France once."

Alexandra Weasley: Book 4Where stories live. Discover now