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Her first DADA lessor was a blast. Moody was insane, but he knew defense spells. She got along well in his class. She was glad to have missed the first lesson when they went over unforgivable curses, though.

When classes began again, Alex did her best to avoid Snape. She flew below the radar in classes, and was always the first to leave. She had no defense lessons with him, so she never showed up to them. Dumbledore must have told him, because he wasn't giving her detentions for skiving off, but she knew it was a matter of time before she ran out of excuses to avoid him.

It was during her potions class that Snape finally cracked. "See me after class." He said, after glancing at her potion and moved around the room. Of course she had no plans to stay behind, but her books and quills wouldn't move from the table leaving her no choice but to attempt to pull her books up off the table. By the time she managed, only she, Charlie and Snape were left. "Miss Little, correct me if I'm wrong but you have class correct?

"Yes, sir." She shot Alex an apologetic look and left.

"I have class too." Alex said.

"I'll write you a note." He replied.

"I'd rather not miss valuable learning time."

"I get the sense you're angry with me." He said. "Why?"

"Looking for information to give Ashburn?" He looked genuinely surprised.

"It's not what you think."

"So you haven't been writing to the man who turned me into a monster with no will of it's own?" She asked. "Don't bother denying it. You forgot to properly dispose of one of your letters. You greeted him like you were friends, and you were talking about me. Telling him about me." Snape had nothing to say. "And the thing is- I actually trusted you. How dumb is that? You, who I knew to be a former death eater and a former spy, not necessarily both at the same time. And I trusted you, and I talked to you and all this time you were no better than Black when he was in his animagus form. You were worse, even, because I genuinely trusted you. Because I thought you cared about me. So if you get the sense that I'm angry at you, it's because I am. You're no different than every other adult I know." She stormed out, tears in her eyes. She ran up the stairs making her way to the astronomy tower.

Alex didn't leave until later that night, way past dinner, when Cedric finally found her.
"Hey," he said softly, hoisting himself onto the floor beside her.

"Ced, what are you doing here?"

"Looking for you. We've been searching for hours."

"I haven't been here that long, have I? What time is it?"

"Nine." She looked confused until she looked outside and saw the moon.

"That's impossible. I've only been here for a little while."

"You missed lunch and dinner." He said. "Last anyone saw you was when Charlie left you in Snape's class."

"I came here and- maybe I fell asleep..." she said.

"Come, let's get you some food and then to bed."

"Can we just stay here for a little while?" She asked, leaning on him. He held her close.

"Sure, but only a little while."

Cedric helped Alex back to the dorms and walked her to the couch in the common room. He attempted to get her some food but she refused and stood to go to her bedroom, telling him she wanted to sleep. She floated away and disappeared into her room.

Alex woke up at midnight, and softly tiptoed out. Cedric was still out in the common room. As though sensing her, he looked up.
"I thought you were asleep."

"I was." She answered. "Why are you awake?"

"Homework." He said. "Productivity is not my friend."

"What class?"

"Arithmancy." He said sheepishly. She walked over to look at what he was doing. "It's too late for equations."

"You're doing fine so far." She said. "Just substitute this three for thirteen on moon curses."

"I knew that." He said, crossing out his mistake. "Okay, so then I've got to divide by thirteen instead of three to get five. So five counter clockwise turns, instead of twenty one point six recurring."


"That makes a lot more sense. Okay, so this bit would be seven instead, right? For time curses?"

"Yep." Cedric worked out his calculations quicker once figuring out the common division denominator for each section. He closed his book and grinned.

"You're a lifesaver." He said. "Now can we get you some food? Or at least a protein bar?" He added, seeing her expression.

"I really don't think I can handle anything right now." She said.

"What happened between you and Snape?" He asked.

"I thought I could trust him. Turns out I can't, because like every other adult, he sucks."

"I'm sorry."

"Family's overrated. I should know that better than anyone." She huffed.

"You don't fool me by pretending to hate them, you know."

"I don't hate them. I just think the whole family stuff's overrated."

"Don't you want a family of your own when you grow up?"

"Nope, I'm just going to live in isolation for the rest of my days." She said. "With magical animals on a farm of my own."

"You don't want kids? Or to get married."

"I wouldn't mind marriage, but I'm never having kids. The line ends with me. I'm not letting anyone ever grow up with this same messed up legacy I have to live with."

"You're really serious." He said and she nodded.

"What, d'you want that whole wife and kids thing and a pretty little white cottage in Somerset?"

"I've honestly never thought about it." He said. "Always figured I'd play seeker for the Montreal Magpies, maybe get into the British National quidditch team after."

"But quidditch games are kind of seasonal. What would you do the rest of your year?"

"Help you out on your farm?" He said, grinning cheekily.

"Fine, but you've got to help me save up for it with your fancy job."

"Of course." She grinned.

"Halloween." She stated. "Is that our anniversary? Because this whole thing between me and you has been a tangled mess so I don't what date we're going with for an anniversary."

"I think Halloween's our best bet. First date."

"Okay. Halloween. My turn to plan." She said.

"Okay." He smiled. "I look forward to it."

Alexandra Weasley: Book 4Where stories live. Discover now