one hundred and one.

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"Sam, breakfast!" Brooke calls out to the teenager. There's nothing but silence and Brooke looks over at Parker who shrugs, burying her nose in her coffee. Brooke tries again, "Sam!"

Brooke lets out a sigh as she storms over to Sam's room and opens the door. Brooke lets out a gasp and Parker leans back on the barstool to see Sam shoving a boy out of the window. Both teens stop what they're doing to look at Brooke.

"It's not what it looks like," Sam stammers out, "He got in a fight with his brother and he needed a place to stay."

"I wasn't born yesterday, Sam!" Brooke exclaims, her attention turns to the boy, pointing a finger at him, "You, what's your name?"

"Jack uh John Daniels, it's nice to meet you."

"Well John, we have a front door. Let me introduce you to it," Brooke says, ushering John toward the front door and shoving him out of it. Sam turns to Parker, who once again buries her nose in her coffee.

"It wasn't what it looked like," Sam insists, "I'm only fifteen!"

"When I was fifteen, I was – you know what, maybe you should take this one Parker," Brooke insists as she heads into the kitchen.

"Well," Parker says, "Sex is bad, and you shouldn't do it."

Sam raises an eyebrow, "That's it?"

"Yes," Parker answers taking a sip of her coffee.

"When did you start having sex?" Sam asks her and Parker chokes on her coffee and begins coughing.

"Senior year," Brooke answers, "With our neighbor, Rachel."

Sam smirks, "Really? Wow, Parker."

"This isn't about me," Parker says, "This is about you. No boys until college."

"How about girls?" Sam asks with a smile.

"That is a conversation for another time," Brooke tells her, "But for now it's no boys, including Mr. John Daniels."

"Unless you ask permission," Parker adds and Brooke narrows her eyes at her, fixing her with a glare, "What?"

"You'd give her permission to have a boy over?" Brooke asks and Parker turns her attention back to Sam.

"Do you have romantic feelings for John?"

Sam's nose scrunches in disgust as she shakes her head, "No! He's just a friend."

"See?" Parker says, "Just a friend. There's no issue if she asks permission and he sleeps on the couch."

"But he didn't," Brooke insists, "He slept in her bed."

"It was like sleeping with my brother," Sam answers and Brooke shakes her head.

"Fine, the final verdict is no boys unless you ask permission and they sleep on the couch," Brooke states, "And if for some awful reason you decide to engage in a sexual act, please use protection or you'll end up like your English teacher."

Sam snorts and Parker's hand flies to cover her mouth to hide the laugh that wanted to escape her, "Brooke!"

"What?" Brooke asks innocently.

"You're awful," Parker states shaking her head.

"If I'm so awful, then why are you in love with me?" Brooke asks and Parker smiles as she hears gagging noises from Sam.

"You two are awful," Sam says as she takes a seat at the kitchen counter beside Parker, "So did you date Rachel before or after Brooke?"

"In between," Parker answers, "I dumped Brooke because she still had feelings for Lucas, and then Rachel seduced me, and we hooked up for a while before making things official and then Brooke was all jealous and she wanted me to take her back. And then Brooke and I got back together and broke up again and I got back with Rachel and then Brooke was all jealous and wanted me back so then we got back together again."

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