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For the first time in four years, Parker found herself in the city she had been avoiding religiously. All it took was a phone call from her older sister and Parker was in New York.

"Why are we here?" Parker asks as she looks over at Grace. It had been a couple of months since she'd last seen her sister who was now in grad school. They were standing in the vast lobby of the Plaza hotel.

Grace grins widely, "We're here because of business!"

Parker looks at Grace with a frown, "Business?"

"That's right!" Grace exclaims as she steps away from Parker, "You have an interview with MTV. They want to ask you about Rachel, your sexuality, all that good stuff."

"Great," Parker says rolling her eyes, "You're using me as propaganda."

Grace chuckles, "You're not propaganda and look, Rachel's already said that the two of you are no longer together. You need to put your side of the story out there before people get any ideas. Also, you're a bi icon. Kids look up to you."

"Thanks," Parker mutters, though she wasn't sure she was an icon for anyone. Being photographed with Rachel had a lot more to do with the fact that Rachel was a famous model and less to do with Parker being a famous photographer.

"So, this afternoon we're going to the MTV," Grace reaches into her bag and pulls out a key card, "You're staying in room 303."

Parker takes the key from her sister and glances at her skeptically, "What's with all the damage control? Are you my manager now?"

Grace smiles and shakes her head, "No, but I am trying to keep you relevant. You go to Tree Hill and suddenly you're wasting away."

"I'm not wasting away," Parker argues, "I'm searching for my purpose."

"Right," Grace says, clearly, she doesn't believe her, but she doesn't say anything else on the subject, "Go to your room, change and we're heading to MTV."

"Fine," Parker says as she shrugs her bag higher on her shoulder, "I'll be down in an hour."

Parker walks over to the elevator and hits the third floor. She easily finds her room and uses the key that her sister gave her before heading inside. She places her bag on the floor and looks out of the window, staring at Times Square below.

A smile comes over Parker's lips when she sees a Clothes Over Bros advertisement. She reaches into her pocket and pulls out her phone and dials Brooke's number. It rings a couple of times before Brooke answers.


"Hey," Parker says as she turns away from the window, "Are you busy right now?"

"Just waiting for this interview lady to get here. Why? Is something wrong?" Brooke asks.

"No," Parker says, "I just – I'm in New York right now."

Brooke laughs softly on the other side of the line, "I know, you asked me to water your plants."

"Right," Parker says as she falls onto the queen-sized bed, "Well I'm in New York and I saw a Clothes Over Bros ad and I just wanted to tell you about it."

"Aww," Brooke coos on the line, "I bet you're missing me right now."

"Am not," Parker responds quickly, though that wasn't true. In the last four weeks, since Lucas's failed wedding and Jamie's abduction, the two of them had been getting coffee together and having lunch dates as they went over plans for B. Davis.

"Are too," Brooke teases, "But it's okay. I'm missing you right now."

"Well when your interview is over, I'm gonna be on MTV talking about my breakup with Rachel and the fact that I'm a bi icon," Parker says, and Brooke's raspy laugh can be heard through the line.

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