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"I got the funniest text last night," Parker said as she came down the stairs, threading her fingers in her curly hair. Grace and Jessica both looked up at Parker, from the kitchen island, "Haley said that she and Nathan got married."

"Your right," Grace said, eating a spoonful of cereal, "That is funny."

"How's Jesse?" Parker asked as she took a seat at the island beside her sister.

"He's a mess," Jessica said, "As to be expected with Lucas moving away and losing the playoff game."

"I wish I could do something for him," Parker said with a sigh.

"I have an idea!" Jessica exclaimed, "Let's go out on the boat!"

"We haven't used the boat since '99," Grace said, shoving another spoonful into her mouth.

Jessica closes her laptop, "That's it, we're having a family day. Get your suits girls."

"Do you even know how to drive the boat?" Parker asked her mother.

Jessica rolled her eyes, "Of course I know how to drive a boat."

"Hey!" Parker said holding her hands up in surrender, "It's a valid question, we haven't been on the boat since '99."

"And Dad drove it then," Grace added.

"Now this is about proving a point," Jessica said standing up from her seat, "I'm gonna go get your brother. Then we're going to the beach house."

Jessica heads up the stairs and Parker and Grace share a look before matching smiles come over their lips.

"Sometimes I forget we're rich," Parker mutters.

"Really?" Grace questions, "You drive a BMW convertible and you have a camera that's worth a couple of hundred dollars."

"I was being sarcastic," Parker said bumping hips with her sister. Grace shoves her gently and Parker laughs as she runs upstairs to change.


"The docks!" Jessica exclaims as she takes a deep breath, breathing in the salty air, "Gosh I missed this."

"It's so hot," Parker muttered, pulling her sunglasses down over her face. She snatched a hair tie off her sister's wrist and began to put her hair in a ponytail.

"How long are we going to be here?" Jesse asked a frown on his lips. Jessica practically had to drag the youngest of the three out of the house. Jesse had been silent the entire walk from the beach house.

"As long as it takes for your frown to turn upside down," Jessica says. Jesse forces a smile and Jessica shakes her head, going over to her son and squeezing his cheeks," You're gonna have fun, I promise."

"Parker!" a familiar voice rang out.

She turned around to see Peyton and Brooke waving at her from the other end of the docks.

"Oh look it's Brooke," Jessica said, waving back at the two girls. She could hear Brooke's laugh from the other end of the docks. Peyton and Brooke made their way toward Parker and the rest of her family.

"Lovely day for a boat ride," Brooke said, grinning widely.

"Sure is," Jessica replied before her face changed, as though she had an idea, "Parker, why don't you go with Peyton and Brooke?"

"That's a great idea," Brooke suggested, beaming widely at Parker.

Parker's eyes widened as she looked helplessly at her mother, "I thought we were having family bonding?"

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