one hundred and seven.

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Parker opens the front door to Lucas and Peyton's house and flops on the bed, startling Peyton out of her sleep. She looks around the room with wide eyes and relaxes when she sees Parker lying on the bed with a wide smile.

"Ugh," Peyton says as she lets her head fall into her pillow.

"Morning to you too, P. Sawyer," Parker says, "Where's your fiancé?"

"Rivercourt," Peyton mumbles.

"Great because I have something to show you," Parker reaches into her pocket and pulls out a small jewelry box. Peyton looks at it and her eyes instantly go wide as she sits up. Her eyes flicker from the box to Parker's face.

"What is that?"

"It's an engagement ring," Parker says opening the box, showing of the diamond within. Peyton snatches the box from Parker and stares at the ring, "Think Brooke will like it? I must have gone through about twelve magazines before she found something that she truly liked."

"Like?" Peyton asks with a smile, "Brooke is going to love this! I can't believe it! When are you proposing?"

"At your wedding," Parker answers, "As soon as you and Lucas say I do, I'm gonna go up in front of everyone and ask Brooke to be my wife."

"Hilarious," Peyton deadpans and Parker shrugs.

"I thought it was funny."

"Wow," Peyton says looking back at the ring, "You're gonna propose to Brooke."

"I haven't actually decided how I'm gonna do it. I thought about going to New York, but then we'd also be reminded of our terrible breakup. I could fly us out to Paris or Venice, but it's doesn't really mean anything to us. I need something meaningful like you and Lucas and your stupid broke down Comet."

"I mean you and Brooke fell in love in Tree Hill," Peyton shrugs, "A proposal here is perfect."

Parker nods her head, her phone going off in her pocket. She grabs it and answers it, she doesn't even get the chance to greet Brooke before she starts talking.

"Where were you this morning? Actually, don't answer that. Instead of waking up to my beautiful girlfriend, I woke up to the most awful face in the world," Brooke tells her.


"Yes! My awful mother is here and guess what? She wants to talk about the company, that I gave her and guess what else she did? She scared our daughter! No one scares Sam but us!"

"Mainly you," Parker responds, "But I'll be back home in a minute."

"Wait back to my first question, where are you?"

"I'm with Peyton. We're having an affair," Parker jokes.

"That is so not funny," Brooke says into the phone, "Especially after the morning I had. Anyway, tell Peyton I said hi and then get your ass back home."

"Okay, I love you," Parker tells her.

"I love you too," Brooke responds, and Parker can hear the smile in her voice.

Peyton mimics a whip and Parker rolls her eyes standing up from the bed.

"Can't wait to propose at your wedding," Parker says as she heads for the side door.

"Do that and I will kill you, Parker!"

When she arrives back home, Brooke is standing there pacing in the kitchen. Parker takes her jacket off and tosses it on the couch, watching amused as her girlfriend moves through the kitchen radiating nervous energy.

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