one hundred and twelve.

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"Cut! That was an excellent take guys! Everyone take five!" Parker orders. She bites her lip eagerly and looks over at Julian, "So? Was that very directory of me?"

Julian laughs, "Yeah it was pretty good."

"I really felt it, you know? The power that a director carries," Parker says eagerly, and Julian shakes his head as he looks at her.

"Parker, we've been at this for six months already. Why do you act like it's your first time on set every time you're here?"

"Because it feels like my first time on set every time that I'm here," Parker tells him, "I have very little experience when it comes to directing."

"That documentary you made about Jesse and Nathan was amazing. It's the only reason I hired you to co-direct this movie with me."

"Really?" Parker asks frowning, "So you being the father of Parker the Second means nothing? Our friendship means nothing?"

"Fine, it's five percent of the reason I asked you to work on this movie with me. The other ninety-five is because you have that instinct that comes with being a director. Quit doubting yourself or else we'll never get this movie made."

"Okay," Parker tells him as she grabs her phone, realizing the time, "I've got to go, but I'll see you in a week when we start filming again?"

"Tell Brooke and Sam I said hi," Julian tells her.

"Tell Grace and Parker I said hi," Parker says with a smile as she rushes off set. There's a limo waiting for her outside the studio.

"To the airport, Lance."

"Yes Ms. Taylor," her driver says and Parker smiles as the partition rolls up. Her phone rings and Parker answers it.

"I'm on my way to the airport now," Parker says into the phone.

"You better be," Brooke says, "How'd filming go today?"

"Really good. I still can't believe I'm doing it. That documentary I made was just supposed to be a basketball love letter to Tree Hill, not something that actually made it to box offices," Parker says, and Brooke's soft laughter comes through the phone.

"You are the humblest woman I've ever met, you know that? Parker, what you made was amazing! And you deserve this opportunity."

"You really think so?" Parker asks.

"Yes! Now quit doubting yourself."

"Okay," Parker says, "How's Sam?"

"Haley says that she is keeping Jaime distracted while they set everything up for his birthday party."

"I bet she's having fun with that. Did you let her use your car?" Parker asks.

"No, I gave her your keys, since you kindly left them here."

Parker laughs, "And how were your board meetings? Did the donors like the new line?"

"They loved it!" Brooke exclaims, "And that is all thanks to Sam and her edgy fashion taste. Look out Hot Topic, there's a new girl in town."

Parker laughs, "I'm sure Hot Topic is terrified."

"They are," Brooke tells her, "Also, I made some calls about that venue in Madrid."

"You did?" Parker asks, "And what did they tell you?"

"There isn't an opening until the fall season," Brooke says, "Does that work for you?"

"Possibly, I'll have to talk to Julian. We also have to think about the fact that Jamie and Sam will be in school, and Nathan will probably be playing then."

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