one hundred and fifteen.

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"What are you reading?" Sam asks as she takes a seat on the couch beside Parker.

"It's this script Alex wanted me to read," Parker mutters, "It's weirdly good."

"Weirdly good?" Sam asks.

Parker closes the script and looks over at Sam, "It obviously needs a lot of work, but it could be a hit."

"So are you going to be making a new movie?" Sam asks.

"Why, would you miss me?" Parker asks with a smile.

"No," Sam answers.

"Ouch," Parker says, "Like a knife through the earlobe."

Sam laughs, "The earlobe?"

"Yeah," Parker says with a smile, "See you were expecting heart, but I don't let people named Samantha hurt my feelings."

"Ouch," Sam says, "Like a knife through the earlobe."

"A knife through the earlobe?" Brooke asks as she enters the living room, "What are you two weirdos talking about?"

"Nothing," Sam says as she looks at Brooke, "Excited about your fashion show?"

"No," Brooke says, "Alex Dupre is my worst nightmare and what is this?" Brooke grabs the script from Parker's lap and begins to flip through it, "A movie script?"

"Alex gave it to me," Parker says.

"She claims it's weirdly good," Sam shares with Brooke.

"You know what's weirdly good?" Brooke asks.

"Me?" Parker asks with a smile.

"Yes," Brooke says, "But I was talking about my relationship with my mother. I was freaking out and so I kind of asked her to come to the show."

"Grandma?" Sam asks, her eyes lighting up.

Parker snorts, "She hates when you call her that."

"Yeah," Sam says with a grin, "But it's funny watching her react."

"Anyway," Brooke says as she sets the script down, "Do not like the script and do not call Victoria grandma to her face. I will see you two at the show?"

"Yep," Parker responds, "I'll be sneaking off to a backroom with a fashion designer."

"Oh my gosh, which one?" Sam teases.

"I hate you both," Brooke says as she kisses Parker, "I love you."

"That was a contradiction," Parker says, "But I love you too."

Sam smiles as she looks at Brooke, "Do I get a kiss?"

"Nope," Brooke says as she flicks Sam on the forehead, quickly following it up with a kiss, "See you both tonight."

The front door closes and Parker smiles as she looks over at Sam.

"So?" Sam asks, "You two are very busy for women who want to get married."

"It's summer," Parker says, as she grabs the remote, turning on the TV, "Things are extremely busy during the summer. Brooke and I will figure it out. Besides, we're not pregnant so there's no rush to get married like Nathan and Haley or Lucas and Peyton."

"Didn't Haley and Nathan get married way before Jamie was born?" Sam asks.

"You're correct," Parker responds, "Anyway Brooke and I aren't in a hurry."

"Bobcats starting guard Nathan Scott has been having an affair! A woman by the name of Renee Richarson has come forward stating that she and Scott shared a night together while the Bobcat was playing in Memphis. A night that led to Richardson being pregnant."

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