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"Friday night, you know what that means?" Parker asks as she jumps on the bed, "Basketball!"

Rachel watches her jump with a laugh, "You were never this excited in high school."

Parker falls into the bed and looks over at Rachel, "Because I had to take pictures or cheer, but no more! I can actually sit and watch the game and I'm so excited to see Skills, Luke, and Nate screw up."

"You're an asshole," Rachel says before smirking, "But I'm excited to see them lose too."

"I knew you would be," Parker says as she grins at her girlfriend, "Let's get ready! I want to buy popcorn, so it'll be like watching a movie."

"You're so bad," Rachel says, "I love it."

Parker springs out of bed, "Let's go so we can get a front-row seat."

Rachel and Parker get ready, keeping an eye on the clock. When they arrive at Tree Hill, they struggle to find a parking spot, but find one, nonetheless. Parker shoves her hands into her jacket pocket as she walks into the school.

"I forgot how hard it is to find a parking spot on gamedays," Parker says and Rachel laughs.

"That's because we never needed to find a spot," Rachel told her, "Now we're old and have to park like everyone else."

"And pay to get in," Parker groans as she looks at the admission table.

"I got it," Rachel says, "You can pay for concessions."

"Deal," Parker agrees. Rachel buys their tickets and Parker heads over to the concession stand to buy two popcorns and two bottles of water. She offers a popcorn and water to Rachel who accepts it.

They walk into the gym and easily find Lindsey and Brooke who are sitting on the bleachers talking.

"We could always sit somewhere else," Parker says as she looks up at Rachel.

"No, it's fine," Rachel says, "Besides I want to ask Lindsey about the wedding."

"You sure?" Parker asks. Though she and Rachel had talked, she was still nervous about having her around Brooke.

"I'm sure," Rachel tells her with a smile. Parker leads the way over to the bleachers, as they get closer, Lindsey and Brooke smile at them.

"Hey," Lindsey greets.

"Hey," Parker says, "Can we sit with you guys?"

"Of course," Lindsey says, moving her purse out of the way. Parker sits on the row below while Rachel takes the seat next to Lindsey. The two fall into conversation easily as Lindsey shows Rachel the engagement ring and gushes over the future wedding.

Haley joins them, taking a seat beside Parker, "I can't wait to take pictures of Jaime," she reaches into her purse, "With the camera I left in my classroom."

"Can I come with you?" Brooke asks, "I'm dying to see teacher girl's classroom."

"Come on," Haley says and they all stand up and follow her out of the gym and down the hallways that used to belong to them.

"And if you look to the left, you'll see the bathroom where I nearly bleed to death," Parker says, pointing to the bathroom she and Brooke hid in. Lindsey glances at that bathroom and then at Parker.

"You're cool joking about that?" Lindsey asks.

"Don't get us started," Haley says, "Sorry I forgot to write my Maid of Honor speech, I got shot."

"You're failing calculus? Well, I got shot," Brooke teases.

"You're being expelled? Well, do you have a bullet in your shoulder?" Rachel adds and Parker buries her face in her hands as her cheeks flush with embarrassment.

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