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Parker walks into Brooke's store, apologies on her tongue for her behavior the previous night. She'd felt tense and slightly overwhelmed. There was the fact that Brooke was her neighbor and Rachel believed that Brooke was still in love with her and Parker had just needed to take the edge off.

So, she drank a little. A mistake on her part, Parker had never been known to hold her alcohol.

Brooke glances up at her appearing slightly surprised, "I'm surprised to see you here."

"Because I was a complete mess last night?" Parker asks and Brooke smiles as she shakes her head.

"No, because your girlfriend threatened me last night."

Parker frowns at the words, "Rachel? She threatened you?"

Brooke nods, "Though she has nothing to worry about. The store opening was a complete failure and Victoria is probably dragging me back to New York soon."

Parker raises an eyebrow at Brooke's words, "Was there something to worry about?"

Brooke's lips turn up in a small smile, "Doesn't really matter anymore."

Parker looks away from Brooke and glances around the store, looking at all the clothing pieces. They were very high end, something that wouldn't be seen in a small-town boutique but a much more upscale location, like New York.

"You know Victoria played you, right?" Parker asks as she looks at Brooke, "She set you up so you would fail."

"What do you mean?" Brooke asks, stepping from behind the counter.

Parker points at the clothes up on the display, "She had the most expensive pieces brought in. No one on a Tree Hill paycheck could pay for this stuff."

"I'm so stupid, I should have called in the orders myself," Brooke says, running her fingers through her hair.

"You're not stupid," Parker says, "And if the store opening was really that bad, then let me help you out."

"I've already had one pity purchase," Brooke tells her, "I don't need another."

"This isn't a pity purchase, it's an investment," Parker says as she reaches into her purse and pulls out her checkbook. She writes a check and hands it to Brooke who eyes it with wide eyes.


Parker shrugs, "It's nothing really."

"You could buy out the store with this," Brooke says and Parker laughs.

"I'd prefer not to, Clothes Over Bros isn't really my style," she says, and Brooke lets out a dramatic gasp, clutching her hand over her chest.

"Are you calling my clothes ugly?"

Parker laughs as she shakes her head in denial, "No, I'm just saying that I wouldn't wear them."

"Because they're ugly," Brooke declares.

"No, because they just aren't me," Parker tells her with a smile.

"Right," Brooke says as she walks back behind the counter, "Because you are an edgy, hipster photographer now who's work is featured in Time magazine."

"You've seen that?" Parker asks feeling slightly embarrassed. Haley had magazine framed in her house, her mom and dad had both bought nearly a thousand copies. Rachel had given it to her as an anniversary gift and now there was Brooke who had also seen it.

"Of course, I have," Brooke tells her, "It's not every day someone you know makes it into the Times."

"Wrong abbreviation," Parker clarifies, "The Times is New York Times."

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