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"Is Brooke living here again?" Jesse asks during breakfast and the two of them share a look before shrugging.

"Yeah," they answer at the same time, high fiving each other and laughing as there's loud knocking on the front door. Parker, Jesse, and Brooke all look at each other to see who is going to answer the door, but no one moves, so Parker volunteers herself.

She opens the door to see Skills standing there and rolls her eyes, "We don't want your girl scout cookies."

"Cookies!" Jesse exclaims and Parker can hear his chair scrape against the hardwood as Jesse runs to the front door, only to pout when he sees Skills, "It's just you."

"Watch it, I helped change your diapers," Skills says.

Jesse's eyebrows knit together, "No you didn't, you were in diapers when I was in diapers."

"Shut up," Skills tells him before looking at Parker, "Emergency meeting at the café, Mouth is in trouble."

"Of course, he is," Brooke shouts from the kitchen, "He's with Rachel."

Skills rolls his eyes, "Just bring your ass to the café."

"Fine," Parker says, "We'll be there."

She slams the door in Skills's face before turning to Brooke and her younger brother, "Brooke let's go, Jesse you clean this up."

Jesse frowns, "Why me?"

"Because Grace will be home in like three hours, and do you really want to hear her complain?" Parker asks and Jesse thinks for a moment before grabbing Brooke and Parker's plates and putting them in the sink.

"Impressive," Brooke mutters as they head up the stairs.

They shower and change before they drive over to Karen's Café. When they arrive, Skills is already there with Lucas, Peyton, Nathan and, Haley. They walk over to the table, ready to be informed of whatever trouble Mouth got himself in.

"So what's going on?" Brooke asks. Skills hands her the phone and Parker leans over her shoulder as she reads the message as well.

"Honey Grove, Texas. Please come," her eyebrows knit together in confusion as she looks at everyone else at the table.

"Need ass?" Brooke finishes for her, "I don't get it, he's with Rachel why would he need ass?"

"Assistance," Nathan, Lucas, and Skills say in unison.

"Why not type 'help'?" Parker asks.

Lucas raises his hands in the air, "That's what I said!"

"If Mouth is in trouble, then one of us should go get him," Peyton says. All eyes land on Parker and she realizes why.

"Sorry guys my dad disowned me, I'm fresh out of private jets."

"Damn," Nathan mutters, "I was looking forward to a free flight."

"We should all go since it's gonna be like a twenty-hour car ride," Haley says.

"I love you Hales, but you're pregnant, and we got finals," Nathan says, earning a look from everyone, "What? I care about my grades."

"Come on, we're all graduating soon. It could be a last hurrah," Haley says, "Hopefully Mouth is okay and it turns into a great road trip, but if not at least there's safety in numbers, right?"

"I agree with the pregnant woman," Skills says and everyone laughs.

"Alright, I'll get food for the road trip," Haley says before heading off into the kitchen.

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