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Rachel and Parker sat in the courtyard during their free period. Parker was working on finalizing the yearbook before they sent in the order in later in the afternoon. Rachel was eating yogurt, watching as people wandered around.

"Who are you going to prom with?" Parker asked, looking up just as Rachel was licking the spoon.

"I don't know," Rachel says, "I probably won't even get to go."

Parker tilts her head curiously, "Why not?"

"There was a pop quiz in calculus today to find out who cheated on the test," Rachel says as she stirs her spoon in the yogurt, "I wrote Brooke's name on my test."

"Rachel," Parker says softly as she closed her laptop, "Why would you do that?"

Rachel shrugs, "You and Brooke are the only real friends that I have. It was my idea to steal the test and so I'm gonna take the fall for it."

Parker stared at Rachel, who wouldn't meet her gaze. Parker knew that Rachel was a good person and a great friend. Of course, her methods were a bit questionable, but she had meant well, and Parker knew that.

"Haley is gonna kill you,' Parker says and Rachel laughs.

"Yeah, I know. I can't even fight back because she's carrying Parker Junior," Rachel says. Parker looks up at her with a wide grin on her face.

"Finally!" she says, "You know I knew the name would stick eventually."

Rachel doesn't say anything, she just shakes her head with a smile on her lips.

Parker's phone buzzes beside her and she looks at it with a text from Nathan saying that there was a party tonight.

"Well your day might be getting a little better," Parker says showing Rachel the text message. Rachel's eyes look at the screen and a smirk comes over her lips.


Parker sat in Nathan's backyard, swirling the contents of her drink in her cup. Haley came and took a seat beside her and Parker smiled at her best friend as she extended her cup to her. Haley stared at the red solo cup and then looked up at Parker.

"You know I'm pregnant, right?"

Parker chuckled, "It's just lemonade."

"Why aren't you drinking?" Haley asks, "This is supposed to be a celebration."

Parker laughs, "Yeah, well if I come home stumbling, my mom might kill me." Jesse walks outside just as Parker says that a cup in his hand, "That better not have alcohol in it!"

He turns to look at her, "It's lemonade!"

"He's lying," Haley says with a laugh and Parker smiles.

"I know."

"So did you hear about Rachel?" Haley asks her, "Because of that lying bimbo, I lost my tutoring job."

"I'm sorry, Hales," Parker apologizes, feeling extremely guilty. Her loyalties were torn, and she felt like she should have told Haley about Rachel had done, but Rachel was her friend too and unlike Haley, Rachel didn't have many other people she could trust.

"Yeah, well, I hate her," Haley says, "She's the least favorite of the people you've dated."

"There have only been three people," Parker says with a laugh, "Who's your favorite?"

"Brooke," Haley answers with a grin, "Speaking of, I feel terrible. I accused her of stealing the tutor key."

Parker clears her throat, "Yeah, I heard. I uh actually helped her study."

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