🌺Interview(16): The Bewitched Crow

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Greetings fellow Adventurers!!

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Greetings fellow Adventurers!!

It is I, your friendly neighborhood evil Queen😏

(Gets a cold stare from Lilly)

You're no fun Lilly!😖😖 Fine, It's Sophie here, your host for today!! Are you happy now Lilly?

LiYou're close.😈


So: I was on a mission to find cute guys with awesome books and low reads, turns out they are so hard to find!😭😭
80% of Wattpad writers are girls! (No offense ladies) and the boys I found already have enough exposure!😖 (Or were bloodsuckers! I'm anti-bloodsucker! Not like some people I know😤)

Li: Are you indirectly referring to me?

So: I never mentioned your name. (Innocent me🤗)

Anywho, I ended up discovering a talented Lady who is inlove with Animes! Yes!

Make some noise for  MavisFarah She's the author of the beautiful book titled "The Bewitched Crow"

Without further delay, let's get into our interview 🤗

What is TBC about?

MF: TBC is a story that explores the after-effects of young children who had to unfortunately, fight for their own freedom. Despite that, they do gain that freedom yet in a sense, they are stuck in the past.

Now as adults, they have severe psychological problems that cause external and internal harm to those who they once fought for and cared for.

It also blinds their principles and beliefs;  worst of all, it blurs the line between men and monsters. I explore these issues through the eyes of a man, The Crow, who was the cook of the Shapeshifter's army.

So: This are interesting facts. They really have gotten affected by that war. The war against the Shapeshifters and the Ordinary people.

Especially The Crow🤔

MF: Yes The Crow is a sensitive man who has fallen in love with a woman he shouldn't have. It challenges him and forces him to face the cruelty behind the war. But freeing himself from the invisible chains is much harder than the visible ones.

So: That's very sad.😞

Why that title?

MF: The title has a double meaning which will only make sense until the end of the novel. So I can't go too much into details, without spoiling it.

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