💮Interview(46): True Light

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Interviewer: Zara_Wilkinson

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Interviewer: Zara_Wilkinson

Hello, today I have the lovely ArielMLongee in the studio, who has a sense of time😏

I don’t really have one at the moment😫

I’m blaming the fact that it’s summer😒


Zara: Regarding your story, True Light, did you think about writing it long before you put down the first word of the story/plan?

Ariel: So about seven years ago I started writing but only wrote out Hope chapters. 📚

I wrote about five or so chapters then stopped. 📚

Then about three years ago, I started to add the other characters into the story and changed up the end goal to it.

Zara: So it’s been a long time in the making then. 🤔

The other characters definitely deepens the world that you have created through the varying characters.📚

Which brings me to ask, why so many species?

Ariel: I didn’t want my book to be your typical vampire or werewolf story.

I wanted to open it up to the idea of all supernatural creatures being hidden in the world we know

Zara: Hidden indeed, which would explain poor Tate being thrown into a new world - same thing with Des.

We never know, you could be telling us the truth about our world. 🤔

Ariel: There could be truth within it for sure. I’m just hoping to be oblivious to it and not become part of it.

I mean it would be pretty cool but my simple mind wouldn’t be able to process it all. 😣

Zara: I’m sure if you weren’t oblivious to it, then it would just take a little to process the mess that our world would become if everyone knew.

I agree: cool, but probably best to remain ignorant. 😏

Ariel: Yes if everyone had discovered the hidden world of the supernatural then I for sure would be able to take it better than others.

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