🏵Interview(22): Fearless

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Author: ofcreationsTitle: Fearless_____🌹_____

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Author: ofcreations
Title: Fearless

Red: Hello and welcome to the studio. How are you doing?

Ofc: I’m doing fine. First week of college just started

Red: College huh? That’s good. What are you studying?

Ofc: I’m a computer science major.

Red: Aww a fellow computer nerd. Although I’m hoping to do computer engineering.

Ofc: Interesting, that’ll be fun.

Li: *glares😒* Start the interview already.

Red: *rolls eyes🙄* Alright grandma keep your pants on.

Sop: *smirks😏*

Red: Alright so let’s get started on the interview

Ofc: Okie dokie

Red: So your book is titled Fearless. That’s a name with a lot of power and the imagery used depicts the same thing. Why did you choose such a title?

Ofc: The protagonist is almost always fearful throughout the book, even right until the end she fears for her life.
She fears for what would happen the next day and what would happen to her loved ones. The day she finally gets her justice is the day she realizes how brave she actually was all along, and asides from her fears of the antagonist she has no fears. She is fearless. And I hope any kid who went through what she did blooms into their strong fearless self one day.

Red: Those are some powerful words. Now you’ve mentioned your character but first please tell us a little what your book is about.

Ofc: The book is about Vidya tackling her biggest nightmare- her father.

This is about child abuse, about how common it is and how normalized it is in some communities.

It highlights the nuances that are really involved when someone mentions the word “abuse”- gas lighting, brainwashing, inducing fear into the victim, emotional blackmail along with physical abuse.

Vidya struggles so much to even realize that what she was going through was abuse and that she has the right to report it in order to protect herself. It really answers questions life: “well why doesn’t she just leave if he’s abusive?” or flippant comments like “there’s no such thing as depression, it’s all in your mind. Cheer up.”

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