🌸Interview(56): Hate Me All You Want

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Hello beautiful people!

It's your ever busy host, Lilly❤️

Today, I bring you a lovely author by the name sarcasticoffeelover5
With their book, "Hate Me All You Want"

|Tip: Please put your view mode to the cream effect, for the maximum entertainment experience😉|


Li: What inspired you to write about your story, "Hate Me All You Want"?

SC: There wasn't an inspiration. It was more of an eureka moment.

Li: Oh, so how did you create it— How did the book come into picture?

SC: So basically I was writing my teen fiction novel and there was a very grim scene that was taking place and it made me very sad.

So, then I thought I wanted to give and write something that would make people smile and entertain them and that's how the book came into picture.

Li: What inspired your title, was it the dialogue where Lucas mentioned it?

SC: Haha, yes.🤣
The word 'hate' is always taken in quite a negative aspect and I thought that this title was quite intriguing. I mean it does work for Wattpad😁

Li: Oh yes, it sure does 😁

SC: If the book's name was "Stuck between two handsome twins" it would prolly get more views

Li: I think the present title works better though, but tell me why didn't you go with this, " Stuck between two handsome twins "?

SC: I wanted something different.

Li: Ah! And " Hate Me All you Want" got the winning vote🤣 okay, great!

Next question, Your story has so many amazing characters; how did you come up with them?
Were they based on real people in your life?

SC: Okay, so Bella is a little based on me and Alexis reflects my insecurities.

My main aim was to make the characters as relatable and human as possible.

The trauma and Alexis fear of people she loved walking out on her was something I could relate to a lot and I thought people would like that.

A strong character makes all the difference in a story.

Li: You are absolutely right about that!

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