🌸Interview(31): The Assassin

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I welcome you all to another exciting moment in the Garden of Eden Interviews, a place filled with the most beautiful variety of books📚

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I welcome you all to another exciting moment in the Garden of Eden Interviews, a place filled with the most beautiful variety of books📚

On that note, we are going to be talking about, "The Assassin", a book written by the amazing and ever supportive NykkyBee!

Nykky, what inspired this story?

Ny: I have always loved assassins-

Li: (Spits out water) Whaaat!?😱

Ny: 😁I don't know what you are thinking Lilly, but it's not what you think.

Li: 😱😱wait-- you love assassin?

Ny: Their stories😅

Li: 😅😅 Okay, why do you love assassins?

Ny: Not really sure why but I just love reading assassin stories.
When I went home schooled, I had lots of time. So, I kind of just started this story and it panned out.

Li: Hmmm🤔 now that makes sense😁

So, why did you decide to have a female assassin in a world where female assassins were never heard of?

Ny: I just feel it made her pop that much more. The only female fighting to be seen as an equal in this profession but then surpasses most others. To me, it added some drama.

It also comes into play later in the story. . . though to answer why she is an assassin in the first place requires some movement into her past.🤓

Li: Hmmm of course we have to dive into her past. . .😫
Who is your favourite character?

Ny: I would have to say either Zachary or Jaycie.😍

Li: Za- did you just say Zachary?😂 why Zachary?
I understand Jaycie is your main character but why Zachary?

Ny: Well, while crafting him, I kind of got the chance to make the 'bully-friend *mystery feature* mystery character'. I also love the back and forth fighting between Zachary and Jaycie. It was really fun to create him and write his parts.

Li: Wait wait, slow down- what mystery character feature are you talking about?😊🤔

Ny: I can't say the mystery feature ruining something.
Am I allowed to add spoilers?🙊

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