🌸Interview(30): Songbird

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____________________________Dedicated to Loves_Writing2704 and ashh134 for their constant support❤

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Dedicated to Loves_Writing2704 and ashh134 for their constant support❤


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Hey people!✌

On today's episode of 'I Know Good Writers'😁 I have with me the amazing delwritesbooks who I call Winnie❤️ because she won my heart😍😍

So, what inspired your book, "Songbird"?

W: I don't really know, to be honest with you. When I was writing another book, "Touch the Stars"

and no, you will never get to see it😣

Li: Lol, why won't I ever get to see it😂😂

W: It was my first book and the ending was bad so I just deleted it but maybe one day I'll rewrite it.🤦🏽‍♀️

Li: 😂😂 okay back to Songbird. When you were writing 'Touch the Stars', what happened?

W: Well, I suddenly had the idea for a redhead musical prodigy and the story just bloomed from there😁

Li: Why a redhead🤔? Are you a redhead?

W: No, 😂 I'm an unfortunate brunette😂

Li: Lol, Okay. But I think Brunettes are very cute too😁

By the way, your book 'Songbird' is actually well written and quite interesting I must say. Not your everyday kind of book.✌

Do you play any musical instruments, though?

W: Thank you! And I do play the guitar but not anymore.

Li: So, back to the interview.
You said you just got the idea randomly, how about your characters, how did you create them?

W: Well, the idea for autumn was simple; a red haired musical prodigy who had a rough past but has a dream to be a star one day.

Li: How about Harley?

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