🌻Interview(36): Avoiding History

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Interviewer: Mauricettee

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Interviewer: Mauricettee

Hello fellow wattpaders tis I your favourite weirdo and welcome to another interview from The Gardens of Eden Interviews💐

(Background Discussion)

So:Why would you let this mortal do an interview?🙄

Li: Did you want to do it?😒

So: I needed a little bit of dark time. What about Red or Zara?😌


Mau: Hellooo, I'm in the middle of an interview 🙄🙄!


Now that those two aren't RUDELY interrupting me, let's begin!
Hello Cakie!😁

Cakie: Hi:)😁😄

Mau: The goddess of torture herself In the building!💐 sxnny_hoodiw

Any questions before we start?


So: torture?🤔 Interesting. . .


Cakie: No, I'm good:) 😄😃

Mau: Okay, so tell us about the story behind that title, 'Avoiding History', because it sure is captivating

Cakie: Well, the story actually took a bunch of title twists, before I landed one, Avoiding History.

The story behind it, I guess was me trying to find a title that no one used before, I thought that Avoiding History would work because Keeley is trying to escape her past mistakes. She's trying to not fall in the same hole.

So Avoiding History made sense in that way. She wants to 'avoid' her 'past' but history sounded a lot better.

Mau: That's wonderful. It was hard for me to come up with my tittle, 'Realms' too because I wanted something unique and I've never really being a fan of long titles but yours definitely got me.

Cakie: That's great, I just searched up the title, Avoiding History, and when I scrolled through the stories none were named that.

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