🌸Interview(1): A demon A day...

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Hello beautiful people!🌷

I am your host Lilly and I welcome you to the Garden of Eden Interviews. This is my very first interview and I am so excited!🤖


Today in the house, we have a very talented guest, whose book was chosen based on my own personal interest (yes, I can do that. I'm the host😁 no one can shoot me for it!)

Let's welcome EV_Lunar author of "The Love Job" and today's focus, "A Demon a Day".

Li: Hello Lateefat, how are you?

La: I'm fine, thank you.

Li: Aww, she so pretty😁.
So I was reviewing a batch in 'The Gem Reviews' last month and your book happened to fall in my list.
The cover was the first thing that got my attention. It captured me into itself and didn't give me my freedom back until I had read every page in the book. I am a total sucker for paranormal and the cover pulled me in like a sacrificial lamb,(my poor neck..😩)

Please who made that wonderful cover for you?

La: I actually made the cover myself.

Li: No way! How did you do it?

La: I got the picture from Pinterest. The words and all were done by me. So...yeah, I made my cover.

Li: You must have some hidden talent in graphics. That cover is beautiful.

The title.. A demon A day, how did you even think of it?

La: The original idea of the story was to have a different demon every day, hence the title, 'A Demon A Day'. Over time the idea changed of course but I just stuck with the name. It's deceitful, misleading and a big toy in the plot.

Li: It's also absolutely alluring. I think it worked perfectly.

So for the sake of my viewers, what is, 'A demon A day' really about?

La: The title pretty much sums up the whole story...I think.
Nessa is with Cain most of the time in the story and she thinks him to be a demon. I don't want to go into more details because it'll be a massive spoiler, trust me.

Li: Of course, I trust you 😏

So where did you get the whole plot idea from?

La: My story ideas are pretty random, but this one was one idea I took from that Wattpad Novella thingy competition. LOL! I don't remember what's it's called.

Li: Lol, neither do I. Go on, I love where this is going.

La: So, yeah. I didn't submit it though, because I fell in love with the book and it's more than just a novella. The book needed time and yeah along the line, I decided to add a twist to link it to one of my other books, so its gonna be part of a series. So basically, A demon a day came from random ideas, nothing big or anything.

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