🌸Interview(25): Between The Redwoods

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Hey hey! It's your girl Lilly and today, I'm going to be interviewing the lovely Sydneycl2050 on her book, "Between The Redwoods"

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Hey hey! It's your girl Lilly and today, I'm going to be interviewing the lovely Sydneycl2050 on her book, "Between The Redwoods"

For the sake of my audience, what is 'Between the redwoods' really about?

Sy: Okay, Awesome! It's a story about forgiveness and how our pasts sometimes affects our future.

Beatrice is a grieving widow who's still mourning her husband.

Then we meet a convict, 1153, who's in prison and working on an escape plan.

When the two likely characters meet, it's a really explosive and exciting situation, because they are so different....

Li: Waoh, love between a convict and a grieving woman, it's truly awesome and well thought out.

Sy: Aww😊, thanks

Li: The intensity you created was great!🤗

So, why did you decide on that title, 'Between the Redwoods'?

Sy: It's set in Colorado and in Colorado, is a fossil redwood forest. . .

I think it gave the story an interesting take, because it's about secrets that are buried.

Li: Is that what between the Redwoods mean, 'Secrets that are buried'?

Sy: Yeah, that's the meaning of between the redwoods. A lot of people have asked what it means, so I'm glad that I'm finally able to explain it😄

Li: The title and the cover, actually intrigued me a lot. I thought it was going to be a fantasy tale or something about werewolves, but then I got the surprise of a life time!😁

Sy: 😂 I get that a lot. . .
I love my cover but I'm wondering if I need another one to really convey the story.

Li: If you ask me, I think the intrigue and suspenseful nature of the cover helps in drawing in more readers.

Sy: Yeah, maybe I'll probably keep it for a while😂😂
I'm so bipolar with covers😂😂

Li: 😂😂
So, who is your favourite Character?

Sy: Ugh🤔... that's so hard to choose. I love my main character Berdie. She's got a quick personality and I think we see the sad part of her, but if you could imagine her fun and happy side, she would be even more amazing.

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