🌸Interview(38): 13 Reasons Why

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Hey beautiful people!
What's up? What's up? What's up?
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Ooh it's been a while and I have definitely missed doing this!
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Today in the studio I have with me the author of our focus, "13 Reasons Whyroselovegood13

And for those of you who haven't heard about this book, please go over to her profile or just check my public reading list titled 'Interviewed Books' and show her some love ❤
Plus get on the same page with us as we discuss the birth of this beautiful story.
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Are ya ready kids?😁

I can't hear you!

Li: Alright mates, first question;

What inspired you to write '13 reasons why'

Ro: Oooo ! Nice question😊
So basically I was reading "13 Reasons Why: Glorybringer" by moonwatcher71 (it's awesome❤-) and I was like, "Okay, I don't care what anyone else says, I'm going to write a '13 Reasons Why' story too"

Li: Is theirs also a sort of Harry Potter fan fic?
In between—I think your decision of writing your very own '13 reasons why' came out beautiful.

Ro: No, it was a Wings of Fire fanfiction.
Since there were a lot of 'Wings of Fire/13 Reasons Why fanfictions' already, I wanted to do something unique, and so I decided to change Wings of Fire to Harry Potter.

Li: Waoh, that's a wonderful twist to your story.

(For the record, I have seen neither of them😫 )

I have never seen the Harry Potter series and I have like zero knowledge of the whole story. So I have to ask, did Hermione in the movie commit suicide?

Actually, does your plot in anyway relate to an event in the real Potter series?

Ro: No, she did not commit suicide (if she did, I would d*e), and yes, it relates to several events in the real Harry Potter series, like finding horcruxes, etc.

Li: Lol😂😂
You must be a total fan!

Ro: Yes I am ! I remember that time when my friends and I couldn't talk about anything, except for Harry Potter!

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