🌸Interview(3): Shackles Freed

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Hello beautiful people! 🌷

Another bright day in the Garden of Eden Interviews, and today we have the talented Temitope840  with her work 'Shackles Freed' which got Third place in the Romance category of the Gemstones Award 2020.

Li: Welcome to the show Temi!🌹
Let's go straight to the business of the day, What is the story behind your story?

Te: Thanks Lilly, I'm happy to be here.
The book and movie, 'Fifty Shades of Grey' actually inspired me to write 'Shackles Freed' . Although trying to write an exact story like 'Fifty Shades of Grey' isn't exactly an easy task, I am happy something came out of my crazy idea.

Li: I haven't fully watched that movie but I've seen some parts of it, (yeah it's that unbelievable, your favourite host haven't seen Fifty shades of Grey😪)

Which character really inspired your book?

Te: So...the character that got me so deeply in love with that movie and made me decide to create Shackles Freed, was Christian Grey. I made my character, Justin Anderson to be more like him, so..yeah, he inspired my book.

Li: That's cool. So why did you decide to call yours Shackles Freed?

Te: I basically drew the title from the same movie. Given all the similarities, I decided to give it that title.

Li: So you got the words straight from the movie?

Te: No. The words for the title kind of just popped into my head after dinner one night and I quickly jotted it down.

Li: Ah! I see. So why did you choose the names Justin and Austin? Is it because they rhyme?😁

Te: Well... I have no reason. I just picked them randomly really. I have always loved the name Justin though, so that one was more natural but Austin and the others just popped into my mind.

Li: Why do I suddenly crave popcorn?🤔 *don't mind me there☺

Moving on, tell me about Staccy's relationship with her best friend, where did they meet?

Te: Staccy and Bridget are childhood friends. So they definitely met when they were little kids.

Li: So, I just have to ask this, what is Austin's problem? What does he want from Staccy? At first, I thought he was a massive show off when he made her call Mr. Anderson's office when he could just walk in on his own! After that I thought he wanted her, but then he kidnapped her only to steal presentation papers, who does that?

Te: Justin is a crazy dominant and had his eyes on Staccy ever since the interview, and Austin being his friend knew this.
You see, Austin has always been envious of Justin and couldn't figure out a way of getting to him until Staccy came into the picture.

Li: Is that why he kidnapped her?


(Oh shut up Sophie, you are not even suppose to be here!)

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