Rant 60) Responding to Nishinoya Author

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So I wrote a comment to this story originally posted on Quotev. I'll post it. Go back to the Nishinoya the Mary-sue rant to follow up here.

Hmmm, I think no offence her Kekkei Genkai seems a little "OP" there's extreme rare cases where Kekkei Genkai acts like hidden techniques. But most cases Kekkei Genkai are two chakra natures moulded together creating a new form of nature for example: Storm Release, Scorch Release, Lava Release, Magnetic Release. And the other form of Kekkei Genkai is Dōjutsu. Lastly, the final form of what can classify a Kekkei Genkai is the Kaguya Clan because of their body's.

No offence, but your character seems to have a hidden technique alike the Nara, Yamanaka, and Uzumaki's Fuinjutsu techniques.

So I didn't really read past a few chapters to this. So I could've mistakenly gotten some of it wrong.

So this is her response and I'm Zoey on Quotev.

Zoey: As I have seen that you only read the Introduction, commented, then left, I assume you will not see this but I will respond anyway.

Before I write ANY story, I analyze the universe and I spend months writing out all the technicalities, the timeline, families and all their special little quirks.

So in regards to the Naruto World? I know almost as much as the creator. And what he doesn't write? I take advantage of.

So while I respect your opinion, I will have to disagree.

To clarify: Kekkei Genkai(血継限界) literally means "Bloodline Limit." These cannot be taught and they are not limited to any nature chakra. Dōjutsu is similar but can be taken and implanted into another not of the Dōjutsu user's bloodline.

Now your reference to Hidden Technique:

Hidden Technique's can be taught. That is why the ins and outs of clans Hidden Technique's are not common knowledge.

Ex: The Yamanaka Clan and their mind techniques. The Aburame Clan and the symbiosis relationship they have with insects. The Inuzuka clan and(not necessarily hidden) their ability to fight alongside ninken more than many shinobi can. The Nara Clan and their ability to manipulate shadow through Yin Release.

These can ALL be taught and created by any one person(ex: Kamizuru Clan, which is similar to the Aburame but specialize in Bee's).

Noya's Kekkei Genkai and Dōjutsu are what they are because they cant be taught. That is why its a Bloodline Limit.

Onto your statement that my OC seems too OP: Everyone and everything in this world is overpowered.

The Sharingan is overpowered, The Yamanaka's mind techniques are overpowered, Crystal Release is overpowered, Shikotsumyaku(Bone manipulation) is overpowered, Jugo's Kekkei Genkai is overpowered, Wood Release is overpowered, and certainly the Rinnegan is overpowered.

And thats not even including characters in the series. So people are overpowered and sometimes they don't even have to do much to become that way.

And a key thing I've noticed in the Naruto series is the lack of Balance. So I took advantage of that and created a clan who could keep the balance, or attempt to at least.

A clan created by Kami. Yes, they're meant to be OP. But their technique has cons, their existence has cons. I added balance to even their own existence so they couldn't just pop out Kekkei Genkai's all they wanted.

So in actuality? Noya's clan is OP, she is not. Not yet. She has to suffer a little bit and go through the struggles every other Shinobi has to go through to even think of being powerful. She has to get beat up, she has to feel like she's not progressing, she has to have her first kill, she has to have her first wounds, she has to fight for her life. That's not OP. She gets to start at ground zero like everyone else.

She seems to be misguided so since SHE CLEARLY KNOWS AS MUCH AS THE AUTHOR OF NARUTO. Here is my response.

Well, I did read the comment you left. But it doesn't really change the fact that the wiki to Kekkei Genkai disregards whatever "this" Kekkei Genkai is. However, since you proclaim to know everything as the author. Than you would know that in Boruto the Ōtsutsuki are far superior creatures but I don't know if you're caught up to the latest chapter. So it was very hard to "accept" this story knowing that the Ōtsutsuki development is far more developed in the spin off than Naruto itself to say that your OC's clan is literally overly powered. So my bad I guess.

I could be wrong but I think you should probably fix the clan's history regarding the Ōtsutsuki. I don't want to spoil anything from Boruto if you're not reading it or care for the manga. But considering you're adding them in this, you should know their actual history; hence Boruto goes more in depth with them than Naruto did. I will take it that you don't know who Jigen is but may have heard of him, since you didn't add him here with Kaguya. But again, I'll take it as fanfic; an interesting concept to have a far superior race than the Ōtsutsuki or someone potentially stronger than Jigen in Boruto. You create whatever you find suit.


Lastly, since I read this wiki so many many times before. Majority of Kekkei Genkai even listed are either two or more elements combined, a Dōjutsu or some body manipulation technique. I'm not saying your OC's technique really isn't a Kekkei Genkai, but I don't feel it falling under one. It could more be used as a forbidden technique? But your perception is that her clan's technique is a Kekkei Genkai because of its meaning "bloodline limit" which can mean a lot of things here.

A Kekkei Genkai that has the ability to create new Jutsu or Kekkei Genkai? You do know that ninja every day in Boruto creates new Jutsu? Heck, even the original characters in Naruto have created their own Jutsus for their fighting styles. I'm saying, it's just way too flawed. It just seems that you're trying to push your OC's clan to be far stronger than the Ōtsutsuki. The sole reason as to why they are very strong is because they travel through dimensions to eat the chakra fruit from the God Tree (there are many god trees all over the universe and the Ōtsutsuki are trying to cultivate them for their own reasons. So since you know everything about Naruto I'm sure you would know this too? to give them extraordinary powers; and you're trying to push that your OC's clan is giving them powers? But anyways, I'll stop checking on this story, but I'm not saying she is a Mary-sue. A Mary-sue would be OP off the bat, everyone worships her, no flaws etc. I read a few chapters, but unfortunately I am not really attracted to the plot here since it would insanely change the entire plot of Boruto for me. I do wish you the best!


So if you recalled with the Nishinoya rant. Please feel free to leave your opinion. Who is right here?

So my final thoughts, I'm not gonna respond anymore to this ignorant author. If you're going to write or change anything about the Ōtsutsuki and add a far superior clan in place. Than you better have read Boruto. I don't care if you're not a fan of that manga but sure as hell would help you develop a better understanding of the clan than write a plot hole narrative of them not understanding what they are.

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