Rant 6) Types of Mary-sues Part 1

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Let's get straight into slicing up some Mary-sues here. There are quite a few actually and let me tell you, I've had my share of Naruto fanfics for the past 6 years?

Wow it's been that long. So I know they're awful and seeing how every Naruto rant books includes this. I'm gonna give a ride range of examples of what I mean here.

The Anti-sue

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The Anti-sue

Basically you have an OC who is the opposite of perfect. These are annoying. She's gruesome and the enemy of all living things. No one likes her, practically worse than Danzō.

Example: Evie is walking down the street where every villager is closing their doors and windows to avoid eye contact in hopes she don't blow up their house. Naruto on the other hand looks up to her as some role model because of her impractical powers but is an ugly being who is like a 2/10 with appearance and looks worse than a witch.

And so on...

Black hole sue

These are most common in the Naruto sister fanfics. Or Sasuke twin fanfics what ever you call it. She gets all the attention she can get, everyone talks about her... people basically worship her while everyone treats the MC like trash. So she can accomplish the Rasengan in like a day while Minato took three years.

Example: Sasuke is suddenly so attentive with Naruko all of a sudden. Everyone loves her techniques and is the real prodigy of the Uzumaki clan! Sasuke is over heels about her while she hates him. Naruko can accomplish rikkudo bijuu mode with flying colours and Kurama worships her down the shrine as a peasant. No one dares to say anything bad! She is the sole queen while Naruto gets treated like ultimate trash.

The canon sue

You don't see them commonly in fanfiction at all. But they're basically an imprint on the viewer. These characters are just AMAZING at everything. They're super Shikamaru intelligent, they're strong like eight-gates Gai, they're authoritative like Tsunade. Frequently most of these stories we can see MCs attracted to them—even if this requires dumping a former love interest like Naruto to be with Sasuke.

Example: Tasha is finally introduced as the villain in Boruto, somehow joined the Kara and is kicking Sasuke's ass with Kaguya level jutsu and the intelligence above Madara on the battlefield. Her military tactics are beyond Naruto during the fourth shinobi war. She was really in love with Naruto but seemly he is with Hinata who is better than her. However, Sasuke loves her unconditionally and has left for 10 years to be with her because Sakura and Sarada are annoying. Tasha had a personality and soon just disappeared turning into a tsundere with NO motives and fades within the story.

THEY RARELY EXIST! If you come across one of these stories, RUN FOR THE HILLS!!

Copy cat sue

This is so common actually. Have you read enough of Naruto sister fanfics? Ya the MC girl gets the attention, basically has all the powers that Naruto has from the canon show. She has yellow hair and whiskers basically. These type of OCs copy some random character with appearances and backstory are the exact same as well. Especially reading Sasuke love stories where the OC has been through the same shit Sasuke has been through. Or a copy car Sakura love struck obsessed character? Ya...

Example: Ume Namikaze is the long lost sister of Naruto. She is the prodigy of all, everyone loves and adores her. She is extremely strong and is the rival of Sasuke Uchiha. She loves him later on and marries and has Sarada. Even though, Naruto is still trash at everything... Ume became the seventh Hokage.

God beware of these.

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