Rant 11) Why do you Guys like these stories??

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So I come across these weird stories daily and I'm like, hmmmm interesting description.

So I come across these weird stories daily and I'm like, hmmmm interesting description

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So we all love fanfiction. This story has over 300k reads and I'm like WTF. So then if you proceed to the second chapter and I KID you not, you're gonna shit your pants.

"Call me by my name please." The blonde requested. He took off the cloak as he knew Konoha was near. He handed it to Nagato. "You are the leader of the Akatsuki now."

Nagato seemed completely shocked. "T-hank you...Naruto-san." he sputtered our in surprise. Naruto smiled warmly at the group. "I will miss the company of the finest Shinobi of the elemental nations. Be safe. And," he added. "Keep in touch with me." Konan ran up and hugged Naruto that, to a normal person would crush them completely, but Naruto is no ordinary boy.

Okay so why? Why do you all LOVE these ducking stories that make absolutely no sense

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Okay so why? Why do you all LOVE these ducking stories that make absolutely no sense. Naruto in the first chapter has the Kyūbi, and yet has been the leader of the Akatsuki.

I think I lost some brain cells. Okay, I like the grammar and punctuation. But this plot is so.... let me just get right into this.

Let's just refresh the history of the Akatsuki. I love reading and watching about their creation. They are solely made to hunt down the Bijū to sacrifice the lives of the Jinchuriki to the demonic statue. They are CRIMINALS. They aren't nice to each other, OTHER than the fact Itachi has always been nice to them. And HE NEVER received any kindness back from anyone.

Naruto being the leader of this organization at the age of 13? Just mind fucks with me more than the fact he has the Kyūbi and is IN THE AKATSUKI TRAINING.

Okay, if you're not good or a rogue ninja with a tragic past. You aren't welcome in the Akatsuki. Period. Stop breaking their characters making them all fluff and whatnot. I hate reading this Akatsuki stories where the OC or some MC are so powerful that they are wanted.

Kishimoto stated several times that he didn't want any more females to join the Akatsuki. And the beginning of the book that I just read gives me a headache. Prepare...

"Hey Gaki!" Anko said as she ruffled his hair. She was wearing a little more clothing since she heard Jiraiya was a huge pervert and didn't want him to mess with her. She was ten years older than Naruto and her hair was in its usual style. Jiraiya was being Jiraiya.

"Hey kid. Do you want to become stronger than the Hokage? And maybe me?" He questioned seriously while Naruto nodded his head vigorously. "Good now let's go!"

The three left the village, not to be seen for 2 years from Jiraiya, Anko and , 7 years for Naruto.

This was in the first chapter

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This was in the first chapter. I was like WTF. So a seven year old Naruto left for two years and is nine years old, the leader of the Akatsuki and is loved by them? I am not reading further since this cured my cancer.

There ARE so many of these fucked up stories like this on Wattpad. This was just a huge example. I really rather drink bleach than continue this glorifying God-mode-Mary-Naruto book.

But then again... fanfiction is gorgeous when you get reads for the worst plotlines. I will honestly experiment this and create the most atrocious plot line with a god-mode Sasuke in the book destroying planets like Goku.

So who will all read that book? I'm sure I'll hit a million views. :)

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