Rant 32) Why don't people ever write these?!

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This author has the best crack fics ever. If you honestly can't like any of them, you basically have no taste.

They are not rushed, terrible bad OOC (they kept the characters in check but not spot on which is suppose to happen) they don't dropped their stories after a few parts published, unlike a certain few authors with 50+ stories and like 5-20 parts per story or less.

No I'm talking about an author here who actually finishes her stories eventually.


So I'm sure you all have heard these stories before.

They. Are. Actually. Amazing...

Okay. So as I did destroy some other author but someone, it's a rant book. You all can create a rant book destroying me and I'll take pleasure when someone does.

Just keep in mind...

If you people love some weird strange plots

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If you people love some weird strange plots.

Okay. So too keep it NOT cringe at all and to do it write.

This author by the name Parkchanyeolling who changes her name often or whatnot. But her stories are just PURELY amazing even when they're cracked up.

And yup they're Japanese names. Also reader inserts.

Unconditionally - is an Itachi/reader/Sasuke fanfic.

The story is indeed cracked since the chapters are like 60% mainly about the reader's birthday gifts. Also has a good plot and story to follow by. Sasuke is shy to tell his feelings and Itachi is indeed impractical and a bit yandere for once. So of course nothing is rushed nor is the relationship starting up as "boyfriend and girlfriend". If you are going to write crack stuff do the following:

 If you are going to write crack stuff do the following:

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Have a good plot

Have a background for the character

Use flashbacks for the characters interactions (that is if you're going to start off as an item)

Please don't go WAY off OOC because that's a major turn off.

Most authors don't do this and somehow they're trash fanfics get popular. I'm not all forward with stuff like that. But all means, whatever is your cup of tea honestly.

I do like non canon stuff. Parkchanyeolling has the ultimate best plots she tends to create. Sorry not sorry for destroying other authors. This author is just not bad with story telling.

Another one of the best stories she has written is this Sasuke cracked fanfic slight AU after the Fourth Shinobi War. Sadly she didn't finish it...

Road to Redemption - Sasuke/OC

This is the title I got for one of my other stories. I love this book the best from her collection. Basically you as the has been helping out Sasuke redeem himself in the Village by going on missions with him. So of course, Sasuke is indeed a bit OOC but even yourself, can barely tell. I love the interaction and his feelings towards her. I JUST LOVE THE PLOT. So I won't spoil much since another annoying girl tries to wheeze her way into Sasuke's life (this isn't Sakura) and such. Well, I just have to admit the time and effort with their relationship is just splendid.

And yet no one can come up with gorgeous plots like this.


Latching onto you - Izuna/OC

This has to be by far the best Izuna fanfic on this platform. No wait, this entire disease called the Internet. I entirely just loved this book.

The plot is a straight 9.5/10. The characters development is aced on. Madara is a bit of a softy but I mean they're a bit cracked. Nothing too major anyways, the main OC is a fighter who fights with the Uchiha clan. And slowly a lot of conflict happens. The OC likes Izuna more than a friend and doesn't know if Izuna feels the same which he always had. However, a lot of jealously comes in and attempted murder and of course r*pe does happen. I'm mad for the character's feelings which are portrayed very well unlike more authors who can't get through the audience. Izuna and the OC work together to overcome many obstacles, this isn't boring nor way off track with OOCs. Even though it doesn't follow direct canon plot which I LOVE. This story is straight gorgeous.

First love - Madara/OC/Izuna

I loved this story as well. This was made to make the audience feel for the readers side since she has a kid and is holding in a grudge that Madara left for two years. Izuna on the other hand, has been helping out the reader more than his brother's efforts. And even the end is quite unfortunate since I wish the reader went for someone else. ;)

On a good side note I really enjoyed this plot line as well by this author. I wish more stuff like this is out there which actually is unfortunate.

Dangerously in Love - Madara/OC

So this was the most interesting character wise I've come across with her collection of books. The OC resembles so much of Madara's first wife and they start to have their nights together because Madara promised to keep the OCs secret. And of course, a lot of dwelling conflicts that come between the OC and Madara's forbidden love. So I didn't finish all of this yet, but it's straight forward and good honestly.

It's AU because Itachi and Naomi Uchiha are in it. Like I don't want to spoil since it gets super crazy and weird. I like it honestly. Lmaooooooooo

Anyways stories I'm looking forward to from them at the moment.

Mine - Sasuke/OC

Beté noir - Sasuke/OC

These days - Shisui/OC

They have a lot of other fanfics too not gonna lie. I am fascinated with most of them since the plots aren't ass or bad character development standards.

I'll honestly admit how I do tend to feel some form of inspiration with their AU plots here.


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