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Once Jungkook had finished for the day he left the academy and walked to the bus station. It was quite late, and the sky was pitch black. The bus was a little longer than usual, but he didn't think anything of it. He waited underneath the bus shelter along with three others, thankfully it wasn't too cold, but there was a slight breeze.

When it arrived he got onto the bus, placing his backpack between his legs in case someone needed a seat. He watched outside the window, looking at the huge buildings which were scattered around everywhere. There were 9 people on the bus including him, there were 2 women, 1 toddler, 2 men, and 2 high school girls, himself and then the bus driver.

As they made it on to the main road, not many cars were out. The bus began to jolt back and forth, the bus driver tried to turn to the side to get off the road but as he did so the bus swerved at full pelt and crashed into the wall. Windows smashed and a loud sound of gas was heard. People were screaming, and crying as they were all covered in bruises and cuts.

Jungkook let out a groan as he took in his surroundings. The bus driver was passed out, the child was crying, the school girls legs were trapped and the others were holding different parts of the it body in pain. One of the men had called the police and for an ambulance. But what caught Jungkook's attention the most was oil dripping at the back, which was causing a spark.
"Shit" Jungkook muttered, he brought himself up ignoring the pain he was feeling and began getting people out.
"We need to get everyone out, the bus will blow" Jungkook screamed, knowing that in a few minutes the bus was going to explode.

He ran to the first people and walked them out the bus through the emergency exit which was closer than the front door, as quick as he could. He settled them down on the ground far enough that if anything were to happen they were safe, before going to the next. Most of them were too weak to get themselves out the bus, which meant Jungkook had to help them all. He didn't even care for himself, his head was blank, and his adrenaline was filling up. The fight or flight response took over, and Jungkook fought, as he learnt to ignore the flight.

He ran into the bus again and scanned around. He saw the little child screaming in pain, as his face was bleeding while crying to his mother in pure distress. Jungkook picked up the crying kid and held him on his hip before leaning down and wrapping the mother's arm around his neck, pulling her up by her waist. She wasn't responding her eyes were closed. Jungkook was scared for the child, but he pushed through. He walked them out safely, placing the mother down first and then placed the kid down safely.
"You're so brave, keep an eye on your mama okay little man " Jungkook whispered before running back to the bus once again.

"Please help up" the girls cried, as they tried to move, but their legs were crushed by two of the bus poles which had fallen on them. Jungkook ran to the back of the bus to help them. Jungkook's eyes scanned over, and saw they were fully detached meaning he was able to pick them up.
"When I lift these up I need you to wriggle yourselves out as quickly as you can okay" Jungkook instructed.
"Yes sir" they cried in fear and pain.
"Okay ready, 3, 2, 1" Jungkook screamed, before lifting up the two heavy poles.
The girls scrambled their legs away and Jungkook quick placed the poles back down as they were fairly heavy.

"I'm going to put my arms around you okay, I'm not going to hurt you in anyway, don't be scared. I'm going to get you out of here" Jungkook reassured them.
Jungkook was about to help them off however they heard a massive bang. Jungkook looked up and saw the fire.
"Come on don't look behind you" Jungkook called to the girls, feeling the heat rush towards him.
He pulled the girls up and wrapped his arms around both of their waists, pushing them out the bus. He saw the police, ambulance, and a fire truck coming towards him, but he couldn't stop yet. The bus had at least a minute before it went up in flames and the police still need to get out their cars and set up.

He rushed back in and saw the bus driver and an elderly man, who were both passed out. Jungkook ran to the old man first.
"It's okay sir" Jungkook yelled hoping he could hear him.
He picked the man up with all the strength he was losing. He placed him with the rest of the casualties and ran back in once more. The fire was powering through, with the fire busting any glass it could find causing bangs to be heard.
He went into the blaze one last time, and helped the driver out of his seat. Jungkook struggled to get the bus driver out of his seat as it was a tight area not fit for two people. The fire was on his back and he could see people on the outside.

Jungkook began kicking the front door open with his left leg, forcing it open. The doors swung open and he pulled the bus driver out his seat and dragged him out of the bus. People were rushing over, and within a flash the bus went up in flames. Jungkook jumped back from the impact and fell to the floor with the guy still in his arms. Jungkook was laying on his back with his arms under the bus drivers armpits.

Jungkook burst into tears, bringing his hands to his face. It was the first time he had cried for over 15 years. He heard paramedics rushing over, and pulling the bus driver up from the floor to take him into the ambulance along with the other critically injured, as they called for another ambulance for the rest. When he was removed Jungkook sat up, bringing his legs to his chest and let out loud sobs. He heard someone yell something and then felt hands touch his shoulders supportively.

"Are you okay?"

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