
5.4K 322 22

⚠️this chapter contains disturbing scenes, along with devastating deaths and outcomes, it's important you know this⚠️

Jungkook was waiting around in their group. There was only 3 of them and they were all from different county's. Group 12 was the last group out of them all, which could either mean they wouldn't be needed or they would do the finish up. They waited around for an hour and half, not hearing anything from anyone to tell them if they would be needed. Jungkook would scan the area ever so often, seeing where his group were.

He found out that Jin and Namjoon were helping with water supply. Yoongi, Hobi and Jimin were helping with putting the fire out from outside the building. Then Tae was managing everything and the conditions. But he didn't know what he was doing at all. Until finally one of the chiefs walked towards them.
"Okay men follow me" He commanded in a low tone.
They all jumped up from the floor and followed the chief, who was taking them inside the building.

They walked through the entrance of the building and noticed how all the walls were covered in soot and burn marks. It was safe for them to not have any facial coverings as the fire had been fully put out at the bottom. They followed the chief up the stairs until they got to floor 5/24. They walked into someone's apartment which they were using as a rest and waiting station for the firemen.

"Wait here until further notice" the chief demanded.
"Sir, what will we actually be doing?" one of Jungkook's group mates asked, it was evident that he was worried.
"You'll be going up in the blaze" the chief said before walking out.
All three of their eyes widened as they walked over to one of the spare couches as the rest were taken up by other firefighters.
Group by group, they were called out, till finally they were the only ones left.

"Group 12" they yelled.
The three stood up to the third feet and walked into the next room.
"Kit up tight" the chief instructed.
They tightened their gloves and placed their helmets on securely. They attached their oxygen pack to their back and over their mouth.
"Okay last group, the last floors needed to be searched are 22-24. No one has been up there yet so it's down to you. It's going to be hot, nothing like you've been trained to face. All you need to do is count casualties and how bad the fire is" the chief commanded.

Jungkook gulped nervously, but quickly cleared his mind.
"Because you're at the top you'll pass a few casualties on the way on the staircases. You just have to keep pushing and don't look for too long" the chief tried to give them tips before they're left to go.
"Yes sir" the three replied and were ready to go.
"We will be monitoring your oxygen levels the whole time and will radio you if it isn't safe for you. Here's a dragon flashlight, good luck" the chief sighed and let the three go.

They walked out and felt the atmosphere drop. It was dark, quiet and unsettling. It still wasn't warm as the fire had been put out. There were a few dust particles floating in the air almost like snow but much deadlier and less pretty. They took the stairs as all electrical units were fully shut off, meaning no elevators. They reached floor 10, so far so good. Deep down they know there were probably many casualties laying lifeless on the floor but thankfully they hadn't come across any just yet.

As a group they decided that instead of writing down things when surrounded by fire, each of them would remember one floor. Jungkook was taking lead as he was the one with the flashlight. They were surrounded by debris and other random things from apartments which people must have used to run away and escape.

They were travelling up the stairs to get to floor 12 and for the first time Jungkook saw something on one of the stairs. He shined the light on it and could already tell what it was.
"Don't look for too long" Jungkook gulped down the sick feeling as they got closer.
He looked down and saw a young male body laying lifeless on the floor covered in burns.
Like Tae said no picture in training could represent the real thing. He had seen a few dead bodies when on duty and so this was no different but it was. It was the first body out of many to come, and thats what makes it so tragic. Jungkook could only think about the life the male could of had if this hadn't of happened.

They all held it together and continued, as they ventured up the more casualties they saw laying on the staircase. Hand fulls of people and families were scattered around, some worse than others. It was evident they were all trying to escape and run away but didn't make it. Not only that they also passed a few dogs. Dogs are known for being the first out of the building when theres a fire due to their scents being much sharper than a humans. So if the dog couldn't escape, there was no way a human could, which made their deaths even worse if that was possible.

The higher they got the hotter it became. They were one floor away from where they were supposed to work. The flames were circling them and it was getting more powerful. They reached floor 22 and quickly ran out. The three split up as it was clearer to see due to the fact the fire was lighting the path. Jungkook came across five bodies and scanned the environment. He took a mental note and ran as quick as he could to the stair case. Seconds later the three were back at the stairs. They exchanged details and made sure one of them would remember it all.

The ventured up to the 23rd floor and began to scout the area. Jungkook ran around the area again and came across a family in the corner of the room. His eyes began to water and he quickly blinked the tears away, not wanting to break down. He took notes and ran back. Once again they exchanged details as quickly as possible. The heat was getting unbearable and they had been exposed to the hottest temperature they had ever come across.

They made it to the last floor and the heat was so hot not even their suits would be able to withstand it for more than 5 minutes. They were temporarily distracted from all the images of the casualties in their minds by how hot it was. It was so hot they could feel their blood boiling.
"20 seconds then we're gone" Jungkook shouted just like he did during his trainee days, before they ran in.
They searched around and there was no more casualties.

They ran out and sprinted down the long flights of stairs. They passed all the casualties which they felt huge guilt as they were just left there, and will be left there till at least tomorrow. They ran so fast, forgetting to breathe as they did so. All three of them wanted to be out of that building as soon as they could. They were the only ones left in the building and wanted to be out as soon as possible.

However Jungkook felt so guilty that he wanted to be out as quickly as he could. They were in huge suits which protected them from the fire and they had to go into the fire as their job. But the casualties surrounding them were alone with no protection and had to run from the fire. The images of all the casualties flickered through his head making him imagine them straight ahead of him.

The three were only a few steps away from being free, but they would never be able to feel free once they go outside.

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