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The two were back at work and the group had just gotten back from a fire emergency. They were all training outside as it was a warm day, and if they were to train indoors they would break out in a huge sweat. The group were doing sprints back and forth until they heard a call from their chief.

"Yah Taehyung, there's someone here to see you" Bang Sihyuk yelled.
Tae furrowed his eyes brows in confusion as no one comes to visit him at work. He has no other friends than the ones he works with so he didn't understand why someone was visiting him.
"Uh thanks sir i'm coming" Tae yelled back slowing down his running pace and grabbed a towel from the side.
"I'll be back" Tae muttered to the rest before jogging back to the building while wiping the sweat off his forehead.

He walked through the door and saw a girl in a hot pink dress, which just covered her bum, but definitely didn't cover her boobs.
"Sana?" Taehyung growled almost.
"Oh my, Taebear" She squealed, running over to him with high heels on, nearly falling every time she took another step.
Taehyung rolled his eyes and took a harsh grip around her wrist with his index finger and thumb, and pulled her out of the station.
"What the fuck are you doing here? at my work place! What are you thinking?" Taehyung yelled angrily, as he was more than just pissed. 

"I wanted to come see you Taebear, I made both you and your crew cookies" She beamed in a sickening smile.
"Please just leave me alone" Taehyung yelled angrily throwing her wrist to the side.
"Just come back to me, leave you twinkie boyfriend" She whined, clutching onto Tae's arm.
"Sana what do you want from me, i'm so done with your ball shit. Just leave me alone, you're being obsessive" Tae shouted on the top of his voice.
"Just leave me alone before a file a restraining order against you"

Sana was about to say something back, but she saw someone walking towards them.
"Fuck sake" Sana whispered under her breath.
She pushed Tae to the side, which didn't really do much as he was much stronger than her but it made him stumble slightly.
She marched up to the person walking towards them and slapped the person harshly, causing a loud noise to be heard. She did it again and again, continuously hitting the boys face.
"You're a fucking piece of shit! You made me lose Tae you shitty bitch. Just get the hint and leave him alone will you. You're a waste of space and no one is going to love a bitch like you. You should fucking die" She let out a deafening scream.

Jungkook just looked at her with wide eyes, processing the fact she's crazy enough to scream all these words and slap him multiple times.
"I hate you, I fucking hate you" She screamed again, pushing Jungkook to the floor.
Jungkook was stronger than her, a lot stronger than her physically however emotionally he was weaker. The thick lump he attempted to swallow was only getting bigger.

"Sana get the fuck away from him" Taehyung growled running over to her.
The nice, bubbly Tae was no longer visible, and instead was filled with anger and fury.
"Tae don't" Jungkook got off from the ground and pulled him away from something which could leave him in a bad situation.
He back hugged Tae and pulled him away from the girl who was dusting down her dress and flicking her hair from her shoulder.

Jungkook noticed the rest of his group rush over to help if they could. They noticed how Jungkook was clinging to the back of Tae as tight as he could, with his eyes scrunched shut. His arms were trapping Tae's arms, to stop him from moving any further. While close to them stood a very irritated and angry girl, who had the shortest dress anyone could ever wear.

"Why do you want me so much? Why? Huh! You must have a reason. Why are you being so possessive. I'm a human being with feelings. You broke my heart and my family. Now you're begging for me back after everything you put me and my family through. No chance. Now leave me and my boyfriend alone. Leave my friends alone and leave my workplace alone. Just get out of my life. I'm done with you, why can't you understand that" Taehyung yelled angrily, feeling his lover cling onto him as tight as he could.

"What's going on?" Namjoon asked.
"That fucking rat is whats going on! He's made Tae hate me because apparently he's perfect. Apparently he has everything I couldn't ever have. He's just as bad as the rest of us. I mean his parents died because of him, he's just a waste of space" Sana spat pointing at Jungkook who was hiding behind Tae.
"Don't call him that" Yoongi butted in, not liking her way of words.
"I don't care about what you think. He deserves the worst in life. He's a curse to everyone"
"That's it, if you don't leave then i'm calling the police" Jin angrily said, grabbing his phone out of his pocket.
She put her hands up in defence. "I'm leaving now, but just remember he was the cause of his parents death, and why his foster parents hate him so much" She strutted off, making sure to hit Jungkook's shoulders as she did so.

"What's her problem?" Jimin said in shock, not believing that someone could get so psychotic over their ex's new partner.
"She actually needs mental help" Hobi gasped.
"How the hell did she know so much about Jungkook?" Namjoon questioned.
"Her father is a police officer, she probably got him to get any dirt on Jungkook" Tae sighed, not even realising the tight grip around him had disappeared due to his tied up head which was experiencing wrath.

Taehyung turned around to face the boy but he wasn't there.
"Shit, where's Koo?" Taehyung muttered to the others.
They looked in confusion and worry as they didn't know. They didn't see the boy disappear as they were too focused on how the hell someone could be so psychotic over their ex.
"Well we need to find him quickly"

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