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Jungkook was laying there with his eyes wide open, red raw, at 4am in the morning. He had been awake all night, not even wanting to close his eyes, in case he would get another nightmare which he had been having for the last 3 days. The second his eyes would shut, he would think of the people laying lifeless on the floor, and would imagine others screaming and crying till their death.

However staying awake wasn't easy either. Jungkook wasn't doing okay, both physically and mentally. His body was slowly shutting down due to lack of sleep, He felt weak and limp all the time and could barely get out of bed. Thankfully he had the most caring and understanding person as a boyfriend, Tae was always with him. Always comforting him. He was there and he helped the younger through, if he had been on his own there was no doubt he would have done very stupid things.

Tae moved slightly and pulled Jungkook into his body more. He placed his face next to the younger's and kissed the boys cheek.
"Still not sleeping" Tae rasped out in a low, deep voice, with his eyes still shut.
"No" Jungkook spoke with a shaky voice, turning to face the elder, so their noses were faintly touching.
"I know you don't want to, but I really think seeing a therapist will help. You haven't slept in days baby, you can't put yourself through this" Tae sighed, pressing a kiss on the younger's lips.

"Okay" Jungkook muttered in a small voice, bringing his hand up to the elders face and caressed it softly.
"You're so strong, and i'm so proud of you. I love you okay" Taehyung mumbled against the younger's lips.
"I love you so much more" Jungkook wriggled closer to the boys body feeling the warmth emit at once.
"Go back to sleep hyung, i'll be fine" Jungkook whispered, knowing that the elder was tired and needed rest.
"Taetae sleep please, for me" Jungkook begged kissing Tae's cheek.
"Fine, but wake me up if you have any problems okay"
"Okay" Jungkook replied moving his hand from the elders face to his hair instead, and began playing with it.

That day Tae booked an appointment for the younger, and thankfully they had a cancellation meaning they could meet Jungkook that evening. Tae walked to the younger who was laying on the couch watching tv, and crouched down next to him.
"First appointment this afternoon" Tae kissed the younger's forehead when the younger thanked him.


Taehyung and Jungkook went to the appointment. Tae happily sat outside in the waiting room till the hour appointment finished. As he was waiting he got a phone call. He stood up and walked outside so he didn't disturb the people who were also sitting in the waiting room.

"Hello?" Taehyung questioned.
"Hi Tae its Chief Bang, how are you and Jungkook?" He asked anxiously.
"I'm fine sir, Jungkook not so great but we're getting there thank you. Anyway is there anything you need?" Tae asked leaning against the wall.
"Yeah well, are you and Jungkook free in about 45 minutes to come to the station?"
"Yes sir, Jungkook currently has an appointment and won't be out for another half hour, but we're only 10 minutes away from the station. Is this to work? Because I really don't think Jungkook should be working just yet" Taehyung worriedly said.

"No it's not for work actually I just need to ask your group a few things, when you come stand outside and wait for me" Chief Bang said with sincerity.
"Okay, we'll be there. See you soon sir" Tae replied.
"Okay see you later"
They both hung up the phone and Tae walked back into the building with much confusion. He sat back on the chair and went through a few books and things which had been laid out for people to pass time. He read through pages which specified in ptsd and insomnia so he could be aware, and could help the younger at times he needed to be helped.

Half an hour later the door opened and a more smiley Jungkook walked out the room along with the doctor.
"I'll see you next time, ring me if you ever need anything"
"Thank you so much" Jungkook bowed one last time before walking over to his boyfriend with a small smile, and almost a glow.
Tae opened his arms up letting the younger walk into his arms and hug him tightly.
"Good appointment?" Taehyung asked.
"It was great, the doctor has given me sleeping pills, which aren't dangerous or anything. But he helped me regain confidence and lessen the thoughts. He has given me exercises to help me focus more" Jungkook rambled happily and for the first time in 4 days he finally saw Jungkook.

"I'm so glad baby and i'll be here for you every step of the way" Tae pressed a kiss on the boys forehead and they walked out together.
When they got to the car, Tae began driving the opposite way to their apartment.
"oh? Where are we going?" Jungkook asked curiously, resting his head on the window.
"Chief rang me earlier, he wants to meet us and the rest of the group. I promise it's nothing to do with work okay, I made sure of that" Taehyung said, placing his hand on the younger's thigh to reassure him.
Jungkook took the elders hand and nodded,
"It's okay"

Once they arrived, Tae parked in the car park and saw the rest of them waiting outside. It was dark and they could only just see them due to the station being brightly lit, to stand out. The couple got out the car and walked over to them. They all softly smiled and pulled them into a group hug.

None of them had spoken since the tragic day. Other than a few text messages sent, as each  other were checking up on one another, no one had met up or had spoken about it. Seeing each other was a relief to them all, knowing that they were all safe and still going.

"So do any of you know why we are here?" Taehyung asked wrapping an arm around the younger's waist.
"Nope, we thought you would know something"
"I don't know anything" Tae shrugged in confusion.
But as they were trying to figure out what the hell was going on, in the distance a massive glow was walking towards them, with soft music playing as it moved towards them.

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