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Jungkook has been pregnant for around 23 weeks, roughly half way through his pregnancy.  He had been visiting the doctors every month for a check up and thankfully his morning sickness wasn't too bad anymore. He was however way more clingy to Tae if that's even possible and unfortunately was much more hormonal. Work wasn't the easiest and the more his stomach grew the more it became harder for him to run into action. So for safety he and Yoongi switched places for now and would change back to normal once he came back after maternity leave. 

They were currently at home on their rest day which they have each week. Jungkook had just gone through a whole melt down about the fact that he was getting chubbier and he didn't look pretty anymore. Of course Tae was quick to deny anything the younger mumbled, and proved to him that he was perfect and beautiful just the way he was. He reminded the boy that he was carrying a life which they made together   which thankfully made him come around.

After the boys mini melt down he asked Tae for ice cream, and of course just his luck there wasn't any left which then caused him another breakdown.
"It's okay baby, i'll go get you some from the shops. I need to get a few things anyway, so can you wait a little while for me to get home?" Tae asked as he crouched in front of the younger who was laying on the sofa.
"Hmm, i'm sorry for lashing out on you earlier hubby" Jungkook pouted.
Tae chuckled and pressed kisses on the younger's forehead. "There's no need to apologise baby, I know it's hard" Tae pushed the boys hair back and kissed the younger's lips.
"I'll be back later okay, i'll be as quick as possible. Call me if you have any problems or need me" Tae made sure the boys was comfortable one last time before leaving the younger.


Taehyung had gotten back to his car after being in the shops and had sent a message to Jungkook that he was on his way home. He was safely driving home, focused on getting home to his pregnant husband who was probably wanting a different kind of food to ice cream. Until all of a sudden a truck came speeding  towards him not giving him anytime to break. The truck smashed into Tae's car, hitting his car from the passenger side making the car flip.

Taehyung felt a rush of pain to the side of his body, and face, as his skin made contact with the broken glass. He let out a few deep groans as he laid their numb on the ground trapped in his car. He could feel something wet trickling down the side of his face, as his eyes tried to to see clear through his foggy daze. Tae's throat became dry as he let out 'Jungkook' before falling into a deep sleep.


Jungkook was doing some exercises as his legs were cramping up due to being on the sofa for a few hours. He heard his phone vibrate, making him stop and look at his phone.

my hubby 💗
hey baby, i'm on my way. I've got a few things for you, i'll be home in around 20 mins <3

Jungkook smiled at the message and quickly responded. He was grateful for his husband and everything he does. He understands his nasty mood swings and he's there to comfort him when he's upset about the smallest things. He's there when he's annoyed and will help to solve the problem as to why he's annoyed. The elder was patient with him, and he couldn't be more thankful.

It had been around 10 minutes since the text and he was caught off by a phone call. Jungkook frowned and grabbed his phone from the table. The contact was Tae's so he quickly answered it, although he was surprised because he was supposed to be driving.
"Hey hubby" Jungkook spoke with softness, but heard sirens in the background.
"Hello, this is pc lee, if i'm not mistaken your Mr Kim's partner?" He asked in a low tone.
"Y-yes sir, is everything okay?" Jungkook asked with worry.

"Your husband has been in an accident, he has been sent to Seoul hospital. If you can make it, please come right away" the police officer said.
Jungkook swallowed a lump as his hands began to shake and tears gathered in his eyes.
"Y-yes i'll be there r-right away, thank you officer" Jungkook hung up the call and quickly rang Yoongi.
"Oh hey kiddo, everything okay?" Yoongi responded.
"H-hyung, It's T-tae. H-h-he" Jungkook tried to repeat what the officer said but he couldn't.
"It's okay Kook, take a deep breath" Yoongi carefully said.
"Tae got in an accident and he's at Seoul hospital, but i can't get there" Jungkook rambled quickly before bursting into tears.

"It's okay Kook, i'll come pick you up and we'll go. Calm down for me and the baby okay" Yoongi begged, worried about the fact that he might get so distressed that it harms the baby.
"Y-yeah okay, thank you yoongs" Jungkook sniffed, pushing his tears aside.
"I'll be there soon" Yoongi told the boy and hung up.
Jungkook did what Yoongi suggested and he sat down on the couch. He looked at the wall in front of him and saw pictures of the two hung up. His eyes looked upon the photo of Tae and how happy he looked.
"Please be okay" Jungkook begged, feeling the last few tears roll down his face.

Yoongi picked the boy up and they made their way to the hospital. Yoongi had messaged the others telling them where he was going, and what was happening. They all agreed after being updated they would come down to the hospital for support.

They rushed in together and went to the front desk. Yoongi held the younger's hand supportively as he was only moments away of collapsing if he didn't see his husband soon.
"Hi where is Kim Taehyung?" Yoongi asked as Jungkook was in no state to ask.
"He's currently room 130 floor 13. He just got out of surgery and will still be under sedation. He should wake up in an hour or so but you can go see him. Can I just ask who you are to the patient?" She questioned filling in something on her computer.
"I'm h-his husband Kim Jungkook and he's a family friend" Jungkook nibbled on his lip.
"Lovely, you've got the all clear to go up"

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