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⚠️There is a scene which viewers could find upsetting - death⚠️

"Car crash on the high way with two cars, there are passengers trapped inside, but can't get out because both have flipped over and are upside down. The police are also on their way, along with paramedics" the radio tuned in, while Jin was driving them to the destination.
"Okay, Yoongi, Namjoon will go to one car and Jungkook and I will go to each car and rescue the passengers. The rest of you will need to be on standby in case there is a fire. Have one hose pointed at each car, and the second you see some sort of warning of a flame, turn the water on" Taehyung instructed, which everyone agreed to.
"There might be a lot of blood okay depending on their injuries" Taehyung whispered to the younger, which Jungkook nodded to immediately.

They turned up to the scene and they were quick to jump out the truck. The traffic was bad but they had cleared the way for all the service cars which were needed. The group got to work, Tae and Jungkook went to one car, while the other two went to the other. They quickly studied the car, and noticed there was a family inside, with two small children in the back crying. The pair could tell that the parents had the worse injuries, and the wife didn't look stable.

"Shhh it's okay, we are here to save you" Jungkook hushed to the children trying to calm them down. "You're okay, we will get you out okay" he then reassured, before getting to work.

The two began getting the wife and husband out of the car first and they were first in need of medical care. Taehyung worked on getting the driver out while Jungkook tried to get the woman out. Most of the glass had broken anyway, but they broke it all away with their equipment, so they could wriggle them out properly. Taehyung had pulled out the husband and quickly checked his pulse, which thankfully was still there. He carried the male to safety, before running back to the car once again to get the children.

Yoongi and Namjoon had managed to help the driver and passenger out of the car and quickly checked them over. The two were fine and only had minor injuries. It was obvious to everyone that they were the ones who caused the crash. The two people reeked of alcohol and we're definitely drunk driving. The police had finally arrived and rushed to help traffic, and see what had gone on. Yoongi and Namjoon had stabilised the car, making sure there was no fire.

Jungkook however had just pulled the wife out. The woman was covered in blood and glass shards were all over her. He carried her to safety and began taking her pulse. But there was no response. He could hear the children screaming for their mother and father and Jungkook was feeling no pulse from the woman. He brought his ear up to the woman's mouth and again there was nothing. He looked around in panic seeing there was no sight of paramedics. Jungkook quickly got in position and began doing cpr on the woman. Pressing down on her chest with his hands and parting her lips before breathing air into her. But there was nothing.

Jungkook swallowed the sour lump which sat in the back of his throat. He watched as Taehyung carried the two children out of the car and take them to safety, while Namjoon and Yoongi quickly checked the car, to see if there was any chance of a fire.

Sirens were heard and the paramedics had arrived on site. They took the three to the ambulance before running over the Jungkook and the woman. At one glance they could see that she had died. Her face was grey, her eyes were slightly open but completely still. He arms and legs were frozen, it was no coma, she was dead.
"I did CPR, and there was still no response" Jungkook choked up to the paramedics which were also a bit on edge.
"It's okay, these things happen" the paramedic sighed and quickly checked the woman.
But it was too clear, she had died and there was no way she was coming back.

"Get the body bag, you take the father and children and i'll take the wife" the paramedic spoke to the other.
"Thanks for your help" He said turning to Jungkook.
"No problem" Jungkook gulped and walked back to his team who were putting the hoses away.
"Come on Kook let's go" Jimin smiled, as they all got into the truck.
Jungkook nodded and got into the truck last, shutting the door behind him.

He was looking outside the window and watched the cars drive past.
"I felt so sorry for their children" Jin sighed.
"Yeah, I hope all four of them have a speedy recovery. I really hate how people think it's okay to drink drive, they are so careless" Hobi groaned.
Jungkook bit his lip hearing them talk about it, they were completely unaware that the mother died.

Once they got back to the station, they took off their big fire protective kits and went to their staff room.
"Do you all want a coffee?" Yoongi asked, as he walked to the coffee machine.
They all muttered a yes as they sat down.
"Hey Jungkook are you okay, you look like you've seen a ghost" Jimin chuckled.
"Ah y-yeah, uhm the wife died" Jungkook muttered, fiddling with his fingers awkwardly.
The room fell silent and al displayed a worried face.
"I'm so sorry" Jimin cupped his hand over his mouth.
"It's okay, it's just a shock to the system" Jungkook scratched his head nervously.

Taehyung stood up and walked to the younger. He crouched down in front of him and held the younger's hands softly.
"It's okay. Witnessing a death is hard, and it will always be hard. No training can prepare you for the feeling of witnessing a death. It wasn't your fault okay, and remember that. The bastards will pay okay" Taehyung reassured him.
Jungkook nodded, and held onto Tae's hands a little tighter.

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