
7K 406 26

It was bright and early, and they were all at the station training. The morning had been pretty chill, as they hadn't had any calls yet. Everyone were doing their own thing, and in different areas of the station. Jungkook was currently trying to find his boyfriend, as he had just finished washing all their helmets. He searched the different rooms till finally he found the elder in the gym section. A small smile tugged at his lips, as he walked into the room. Taehyung was currently doing weight training, with one airpod in, and standing in front of the foggy mirror, watching his arms tense each time the weight is pushed up.

Jungkook walked over, trying not to disturb the elder. Taehyung finished his last rep and placed the weight down. He let out a deep breath and wiped the sweat from his forehead with the bottom of his shirt.
"Hey baby" Taehyung breathlessly called out.
"Hey Tae" Jungkook smiled softly.
"I just have to do 50 sit ups and then i'll be finished" Taehyung spoke, sitting on the floor with his legs bent.
Jungkook crouched to the floor, before sitting on top on the elders feet to stop the elders feet from moving.

Taehyung smiled and began to do his sit ups. When it got to the last 20, Tae began to grow tired as he had just bashed out a full body workout. Jungkook noticed and stuck his lips out, almost in a pout. Taehyung noticed and cocked his eyebrow slightly. Jungkook giggled and pointed to his lips. Taehyung understood and began to lean up fully, to reach the boys lips.

Taehyung pressed a kiss onto the younger's lips  and leaned back down again. He did the same again till finally he had finished. He laid his back on the floor, and spread his arms out straight. Jungkook smiled softly and grabbed a clean towel which was on the side. He shuffled around and closer to his head. He carefully dabbed on the elders forehead, to take away any sweat which had formed. Taehyung watched the boy with adoration, smiling with contentment.

"Thanks bub" Taehyung smiled kissing the boys cheek softly.
"No problem, you need a shower, you stink" Jungkook plugged his nose, when he had a wave off body oder hit his face. His face scrunched up his nose in disgust, causing small creases in his cheek.
"Sorry, i'll go take a shower now" Taehyung chuckled, standing up from where they were sitting, holding his arms out to help the younger up.

Jungkook held onto his hands as he was pulled up from the floor and felt a kiss being pressed on his head.
"Yah I told you to go" Jungkook whined, not liking the smell.
"Okay okay, i'm going. I'll be quick" Taehyung smiled running into the shower room attached to the gym.
Jungkook rolled his eyes playfully and walked out the room to the rest of the group.

He sat down with the rest who were busy chatting and eating.
"So what are we doing for Tae's birthday this year?" Jimin asked to the group.
"Wait it's his birthday soon?" Jungkook asked with wide eyes.
"Yeah it's tomorrow" Namjoon laughed.
"Holy shit, I didn't know. I need to get him a gift" Jungkook screamed in panic.
"It's okay Kook calm your farm" Jin smiled.
"I'll go get stuff after work" Jungkook scratched the back of his head awkwardly.
"I'm sure he wouldn't care if you got him something or not, don't stress" Yoongi patted the boys shoulder.

"Okay, so should we have a party at Joon and I's?" Jin suggested, sipping on his coffee.
"Yeah i'm down" Hobi held up his thumbs with a smile.
"Okay well our shift finishes at 4pm so be at mine at 6. Jungkook say you need to get something from me and you want him to come with you, and just pretend that we haven't organized a party" Jin instructed.
"Okay sounds good" Jungkook nodded.

Not long later a clean Taehyung walked into the room. He walked to Jungkook and stood behind him. He bent down slightly and kissed the crown of the boys head.
"What were you talking about?" Taehyung asked as he grabbed an apple from the side and took a bite out of it.
"Just some fireman stuff" Namjoon quickly butt in, trying to not make it obvious but did a bad job of it.
"...Right" Taehyung skeptically spoke, knowing he was lying, but decided not to question it any further.

Taehyung sat down on the bench next to Jungkook, wrapping an arm around him. Jungkook laid against Tae's chest, resting his head under Tae's chin.
"Who knew people could be so touchy with one another, so early into a relationship" Jimin snorted.
"Shut up midget, you're just jealous that we have a solid relationship so early on" Taehyung pretended to flick his hair.
"Whatever alien" Jimin sassed back.
Taehyung was about to spit out another comeback but he was stopped by hitman Bang telling them that their shift had ended.

They all cheered and jumped up from their seats. They packed away anything they had gotten out and cleaned up so it was ready for team B who were now starting their shift. Tae took hold of the younger's hand, and they walked out of the room. They grabbed their belongings before exiting the station.
"See ya tomorrow" Hobi waved, pulling Jimin and Yoongi along with him.
"Yeah see y'all later" Taehyung smiled before pulling Jungkook along with him.

Taehyung and Jungkook were walking back to the apartment. Their laced hands swung back and forth, making Jungkook giggle softly. He rested his head against Tae's shoulder and let out a small sigh.
"I need to get us groceries, as our cupboards will be bare soon" Jungkook muttered.
"I'll come with you" Taehyung suggested, rubbing the back of the younger's hand with his thumb.
"No no, you should rest, i'll get the stuff! It won't take long" Jungkook grinned as they made it into the apartment.
"As long as you're okay with it, I feel like my eyes might fall out any second from exhaustion"
"Of course Tae, I don't want your eyes to fall out, so sleep while i'm gone" Jungkook kissed the elders cheek, before placing his backpack to the floor and rushed to the room to get dressed into something slightly more comfortable.

Once he was dressed he noticed that Taehyung was undressing to his pants and got into bed. Jungkook walked over and tucked the male into bed like a child. He ruffled the elders hair softly and kissed his lips sweetly.
"Sweet dreams hyungie, I won't be long"

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