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It had been a few days, and Jungkook was back at his apartment. The past few days had been pretty hectic. He kept getting reporters run up to him and ask questions. He still wasn't over it all, he was still trying to process it, but nevertheless he answered as many questions as he could.

Jungkook was in the training room, waiting for everyone to arrive. The teacher was sorting some papers but was quickly interrupted by the phone. He picked it up and his eyebrows raised, turning his glance to Jungkook.
"Of course sir, i'll tell him straight away" the teacher smiled and placed the phone down.
"Jeon" the called.
"Yes sir?" Jungkook stood up by command.
"You're graduating today" the teacher smiled happily.
"P-pardon? I- I still have a few weeks till I graduate. I haven't even taken the exam" Jungkook spoke in shock.
"Well the ceo got a phone call from Bighit fire station, asking if you can start there tomorrow, so we are graduating you early. Anyway I don't think you need anymore lessons, you're doing amazing already"

Jungkook couldn't form any words, not only was he graduating he was also being enrolled into Bighit fire station. His dreams were coming true and it was all because of the unfortunate bus accident.

"Okay let's go get your certificate and that and then you're free to leave" the teacher suggested before walking out the room to get everything.
Jungkook nodded and sat back down with a smile plastered on his face. He felt happiness pool up in his stomach, which he hadn't experienced in a while.
"Of course, the hero gets to enroll at Bighit station, the fire station for elites. I bet anyone could have gotten into Bighit, but no of course the annoying, nerdy wet wipe has" one of his classmates rolled his eyes.
"Anywhere you go will be amazing, you'll be a firefighter, that's all that matters" Jungkook replied.

"Wow look at Jungcock being all stuck up, anywhere you go will be amazing" the boy mimicked in an annoying tone. "Just because you're going to Bighit doesn't mean you have to act like a saint. I know you're smirking on the inside"
"Please just leave me alone and focus on yourself. Our job is to save people not belittle them" Jungkook huffed standing up as he saw the teacher calling him over.
"Good luck" Jungkook finished before walking off.


Jungkook walked out the building which he had been training in for 6 months. He held on the straps of his new backpack and left the building one last time. He walked down the streets and noticed the bus pulling up at the bus stop. He stood frozen, looking at the bus. He was steps away from getting on the bus but he couldn't move.

Like Taehyung said, the experience stuck with him. It was his first encounter with a real life fire since he was a child, but this time he was actually able to help.
"Hey kid are you getting on?" The bus driver yelled.
"uhh n-no sorry" Jungkook quickly walked off, shaking his head in annoyance.
As he was walking back he had the idea of visiting someone. He walked through the park and saw the place littered with flowers.

He bent over and picked a handful of flowers and walked away. Not long later he ended up at the hospital. He walked in and walked towards the front office.
"Hello sir how can I help you?" She asked with a welcoming smile.
"Which floor has the victims of the bus accident which happened a few days ago?" Jungkook asked softly.
"Are you friends or family of for one of the patients?" She questioned.
"Neither, I was in the accident as well and I just wanted to visit them, if i'm able too"
"Oh of course, i'm sorry I didn't recognise you. You're the boy who saved them"
"Yes mame" Jungkook awkwardly smiled.
"Of course i'll let you up. Floor 4, ward 12"
"Thank you" Jungkook bowed and made his way to the lift.

He got the to right floor and walked down the corridor, until finally he came to room. He knocked on the door and was met with the nurse which looks after the people on the floor.
"Are you here to visit one of the patients?" She asked.
"Ah yes I came for them all" Jungkook bowed.
"Okay well come on in" She opened the door and allowed the boy to walk in.
Jungkook scanned the room and saw the child and his mother, one of the school girls and the old man.

"Hello everyone" Jungkook said in a small voice from nerves.
They all turned their heads and looked at Jungkook with wide eyes.
"Y-you're the man who saved us" the mother gasped.
"Mama it's the suwperhero" the kid turned to his mother who was in the bed next to him.
"Hey kid" Jungkook smiled walking over to child.
"Hi hi" He smiled sweetly.
"How are you doing bud?" Jungkook ruffled the child's hair softly.
"M'good, I have shmall booboos, but m'fine" the child pouted.
"Awh it's okay, you're very brave! You'll get better in no time" Jungkook smiled.

Jungkook stood up and brought the flowers to the nurse, she smiled and put them in a vase with water at the bottom. Jungkook then made his way to the high schooler.
"Hey, are you okay?" Jungkook asked gently, he could see that the girl was trying her hardest not to cry.
"Y-yeah, I can't thank you enough. You saved our lives and you also asked my friend and I if we were comfortable for you to hold us. Even in a situation like that not many men would do such a thing. T-thank you sir, thank you so much, I wish I could repay you" the girl sobbed holding onto the boys hand with a tight grip.
Jungkook looked at her with adoration.
"No problem, i'm glad you're okay. Just do one thing for me, continue with your studying okay. If you have a dream, pursue it. You won't get your dream if you don't try for it okay. Just don't give up, even if life gets tough. Consider that your repayment to me" Jungkook smiled and walked away.

"I hope you all get better soon and take care"

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